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Neda RIP (killed by Iranian Basij)


love and rage!

Written by the doctor who tried to save her: A young woman who was standing aside with her father watching the protests was shot by a basij member hiding on the rooftop of a civilian house. He had clear shot at the girl and could not miss her. However, he aimed straight her heart. I am a doctor, so I rushed to try to save her. But the impact of the gunshot was so fierce that the bullet had blasted inside the victim's chest, and she died in less than 2 minutes. The protests were going on about 1 kilometers away in the main street and some of the protesting crowd were running from tear gass used among them, towards Salehi St. The film is shot by my friend who was standing beside me. Please let the world know.

Unnamed Source: Khameneie You called yourself,the father of all orphans of Iran-Iraq war,but here you made a father witness the martyrdom of his daughter,in minutes,in his arms.You took away a mans,but Iran's daughter.He didnt believe it at first,saying:Neda,dont be afraid,dont be afraid..then when blood covered her face,he came to and cried:Neda,stay..Neda,stay....The doctor who was there was helpless as the shot was in the chest.My dear Neda,you are now loved by all more than ever,my tears are nonstop for you,but you died for Iran to be free and Im proud of you,may you rest in peace in heaven.And you Khameneie,you will certainly pay for this and definitely go to hell!

Random Neda Tweets (Click Here to read all neda related tweets)

Who are you, Neda ?

Neda, the girl murdered by Basij today, and now the voice of the new revolution.

Neda's life was ended so that Iran's children might live free.

May she rest in peace, the rest of us can´t. Let´s make sure she didn´t die in vain.

Neda (voice).Those beautiful eys..Nedaye Iran.. The new voice of Freedom...

Neda's life today was not lost in vain. Non-violent movement of Iran will b victorious.

In land where women lost their voice, appropriate that woman named Neda --Voice-- should become symbol that topples regime.

The world looked a girl in the eyes as she died tonight. Remember Neda.

Her name was ندا #Neda. It means voice or call in Farsi. She is the voice of the pple, a call to freedom.
She was a beauty
She was a lark
A beautiful songbird
Shot through the heart

A heart is so big
A life is so grand
When dying for freedom
In the homeland

Neda, the sweet
Voice of Iran
Now soars above
And sings like a swan

Little songbird
Fly away
And smile on us mortals
While we stay

Neda, the sweet
Voice of her land
Her beauty lives on
For her soul is so grand


Written by the doctor who tried to save her: A young woman who was standing aside with her father watching the protests was shot by a basij member hiding on the rooftop of a civilian house. He had clear shot at the girl and could not miss her. However, he aimed straight her heart. I am a doctor, so I rushed to try to save her. But the impact of the gunshot was so fierce that the bullet had blasted inside the victim's chest, and she died in less than 2 minutes. The protests were going on about 1 kilometers away in the main street and some of the protesting crowd were running from tear gass used among them, towards Salehi St. The film is shot by my friend who was standing beside me. Please let the world know.

Unnamed Source: Khameneie You called yourself,the father of all orphans of Iran-Iraq war,but here you made a father witness the martyrdom of his daughter,in minutes,in his arms.You took away a mans,but Iran's daughter.He didnt believe it at first,saying:Neda,dont be afraid,dont be afraid..then when blood covered her face,he came to and cried:Neda,stay..Neda,stay....The doctor who was there was helpless as the shot was in the chest.My dear Neda,you are now loved by all more than ever,my tears are nonstop for you,but you died for Iran to be free and Im proud of you,may you rest in peace in heaven.And you Khameneie,you will certainly pay for this and definitely go to hell!

Random Neda Tweets (Click Here to read all neda related tweets)

Who are you, Neda ?

Neda, the girl murdered by Basij today, and now the voice of the new revolution.

Neda's life was ended so that Iran's children might live free.

May she rest in peace, the rest of us can´t. Let´s make sure she didn´t die in vain.

Neda (voice).Those beautiful eys..Nedaye Iran.. The new voice of Freedom...

Neda's life today was not lost in vain. Non-violent movement of Iran will b victorious.

In land where women lost their voice, appropriate that woman named Neda --Voice-- should become symbol that topples regime.

The world looked a girl in the eyes as she died tonight. Remember Neda.

Her name was ندا #Neda. It means voice or call in Farsi. She is the voice of the pple, a call to freedom.

This doesn't sound much like a 'colour' revolution to me. It sounds more like what you hear in a real revolution. . .
RIP Neda. They didn't fire a single shot in 1999, they didn't fire a single shot in 2003. Today they're shooting people. What does that say?
Well, Khamenie, you utterly worthless piece of shit (along with your stinking gaggle of "brave" basiji thugs) - hope you're satisifed. Was it worth it to keep your twisted arse in power a few days longer? Go to hell, Khamenie, and rot! :mad:

RIP, Neda.
Let's hope she gains martyr status and encourages the uprising and overthrow of this disgusting regiem. I want to see those cunts Khamenei and Ahmadinejad strung up with piano wire side by side in the streets of Tehran.
From what I gather, this poor woman wasn't even one of the demonstrators. She just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
The Iranian Ambassador to Mexico says the CIA might have killed her. :hmm:
"This death of Neda is very suspicious," Ambassador Mohammad Hassan Ghadiri said. "My question is, how is it that this Miss Neda is shot from behind, got shot in front of several cameras, and is shot in an area where no significant demonstration was behind held?"

He suggested that the CIA or another intelligence service may have been responsible.

"Well, if the CIA wants to kill some people and attribute that to the government elements, then choosing women is an appropriate choice, because the death of a woman draws more sympathy," Ghadiri said.

Though the video appeared to show that she had been shot in the chest, Ghadiri said that the bullet was found in her head and that it was not of a type used in Iran.

"These are the methods that terrorists, the CIA and spy agencies employ," he said. "Naturally, they would like to see blood spilled in these demonstrations, so that they can use it against the Islamic Republic of Iran. This is of the common methods that the CIA employs in various countries."
The Iranian Ambassador to Mexico says the CIA might have killed her. :hmm:

Hahahaha how ridiculous, everyone knows the CIA would never do anything like that. Really, this regime is not only disgustingly revolting and terribly horrible but also so madly paranoid that they actually think the CIA might be trying to undermine them. Hahahahahahah.


Hahahaha how ridiculous, everyone knows the CIA would never do anything like that. Really, this regime is not only disgustingly revolting and terribly horrible but also so madly paranoid that they actually think the CIA might be trying to undermine them. Hahahahahahah.


You're right to be sarcastic. The ambassador is probably right. Bet is was them CIA bastards....with a little help from the Mossad & MI6 of course.......trying to make the people's Islamic Republic appear repressive & brutal........I'm not buying it for a second. :hmm:
Hahahaha how ridiculous, everyone knows the CIA would never do anything like that. Really, this regime is not only disgustingly revolting and terribly horrible but also so madly paranoid that they actually think the CIA might be trying to undermine them. Hahahahahahah.



they are doing a good enough job on their own

The actual quote from the Ambassador was
"My question is that how is that this Nada was shot from behind and several cameras take that. And this is done in an area where there was no important demonstration... If the CIA wants to kill some people and attribute that to the elements of the government and then choosing a girl would be something good for them because it would have much higher impact. Therefore, we believe and we are looking into this to find who the elements were who did this"

"GHADIRI (through translator): I'm not saying that the CIA had done this. There are different groups. Could be intelligence services, could be CIA, could be the terrorists. However, these are the people who do these things."
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