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Market Row wins Market of the Year award...

The memo from the market office thanking all traders for their contribution to this success arrived on exactly the same day as the one asking for more rent.
:( arseholes

It also pisses me off to see that Govt press release...these markets are thriving despite the Govt, not because of them. The same Government which - Labour or Tory - has welcomed the supermarket-driven savaging of the high street with open arms.
And contrary to the slightly unclear press release, it is actually Brixton Village and Market Row which have won the award for best private market.


Best Private Market
This market has suffered periods of social and economic upheaval but in 2012 it was shown to be a truly cosmopolitan mix reflected in the bewildering array of goods which cater for every taste and which underpin the appeal of the market. Footfall has substantially increased with the market now remaining open until midnight. The winner of Best Private Market is Brixton Village and Market Row
A thing I'm a bit confused about: if the markets were listed on the grounds of being the "most architectural manifestation of the post-war [African-Caribbean] presence in Brixton and given the significance of black history to post-war Britain...establishes some clear claims to historic interest," then how can they square that with the current changes to the market which appear to be doing their very best to remove all Afro-Caribbean influence?

A thing I'm a bit confused about: if the markets were listed on the grounds of being the "most architectural manifestation of the post-war [African-Caribbean] presence in Brixton and given the significance of black history to post-war Britain...establishes some clear claims to historic interest," then how can they square that with the current changes to the market which appear to be doing their very best to remove all Afro-Caribbean influence?

I'd suggest it's because InShops/the owners don't really care for the listing - in fact, the listing ensured the owners could not tear the place down and sell it or redevelop it. So they have to make their money another way (by ramping up rents.) And I doubt DCMS - the Government department which approved the listing - give a shit about what happens inside the market either.
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