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Legal. Not Loughborough Estate


All views expressed are definitely my own.
This is what kicked this off "Hi All,
Looking for someone with legal knowledge to help Loughborough Estate a tenant led tenants Assc resist the sell off by Lambeth & URH bullies.

Loughborough Estate is the Largest and poorest part of Lambeth."

Following on from the strife and trouble of Loughborough Estate Management Board several members of staff have now left in mysterious circumstance, some have been suspended on ad hoc allegations that change with the weather, some have left for new pastures closer to field??(Brixton Hill) and some have just plain dissipated like weeds.

Loughborough Estate is now Overseen by the legendary Lambeth Living, what hope is there for us it just gets from bad to worse, at least with the whistle blowing URH have been removed from having responsibility of Loughborough Estate the undermining of the Loughborough Board continues...

Lambeth housing have shut down URH (6 Mths grace) but it has come to light that URH have £250,000 that they do not know from whence it came!!

Bizarre you may say, but not as bizarre as £1.5 million that they say they defo do not have and never have although URH accountant have stated that they are unwilling to sign the audited accounts due to the very LARGE discrepancies in the account, leaving URH to resolve this they also mentioned FRAUD in their own meeting (this is a 1st).... How does URH propose to solve this (lest we forget the URH is the spawned child of Lambeth housing) they decide to appoint a new auditor who will agree to anything they URH say, Just like the song goes if you don't like they you buy them..

Oh lets not forget the £2.4 Million that Lambeth housing has already given to URH that has been spent because URH ran out of money or did they!

Being pressured by the planet.
Well well, with all the talk about co operative councils and citizen participation and our local councillors wholly involved in a participatory role fully engaged with the community and council officers.

It is not of much great surprise that our local representative who has been elected Cllr Haywood has not been seen on Loughborough estate for some time (nearly a year) she no longer holds surgeries on Loughborough estate and has stated no one turns up, yet every Saturday the community centre has a drop in which gives support to local resident and legal advice but is sadly missing one of the major cogs in Lambeth it's local councillor, how can someone who does not even listen to local people represent us, or more to the point how are they representing us. (I notice the Lambeth site still says Loughborough, but on the phone it's the town hall, how convenient).

Following the recent visit to Loughborough by Dame Tessa Jowel MP and Cllr Rachel Haywood, when Our Cllr was questioned by a local resident about certain mistruths/false information she presented to Loughborough estate residents at an AGM to which she has not apologised, Ms Haywood (who formally sat on the now nearly defunct URH and Loughborough board) ran away without warning, leaving the MP to fend for herself! Bizarre yes but in light of her taking sides with URH against Loughborough she made her stance clear, dispite being approached by Loughborough residents and given privileged information she never disclosed a conflict of interest in her dealing with URH and fully supported URH regardless or our continued warnings to her.

The brick wall appears to be our very own local Cllr, how can we trust someone who lied to all of us and refuses to meet with us, who runs away when simply questioned and breaks down and cries like an 8yr old when the going gets tough! And then runs away when they know they are in the wrong.

How much will she distance herself from URH now they are being wound down following alleged financial fraud.

Cooperative council yes but not on the above terms our local Cllr was heard to have said that she works for herself! Lets see how she involves Loughborough and represents us as more than a photo opportunity, can she get her hands dirty helping residents on the largest estate in Lambeth or will she still only go round looking for only nice positive press spins...

So much for supporting residents and constituents.

Waiting for the Full Moon
Oh God.
I was meant to be editing out the legal-tastic bits and re-instating that thread. I got side-tracked and there was so much to wade through.
One day, one day.
Rumour has it that big and little things are about to happen on Loughborough estate. After several key positioning moves with certain members of staff moving to Rouple Gardens to hang out with the Banker,It has come to light that the CEO of URH is possibly on his way to becoming a Director along with a certain banker who is also a board member of URH; they have been hinted at to be romantically involved!!!

The legendary Lambeth Living is living up to it's name the "Living Dead" as the amount of inactivity from them is deadly silent apart from a brief gasp for more flesh.

Smelling stuff as it happens
Looks Like out local Cllrs are back in the news again Cllr Matt Parr & Rachel Haywood have made it plain that there real concerns are children & Youth, yet so many closures of community resources! they also claim to be some sort of green Labour champions, yet looking at the evidence this also seems very lacking

Lambeth Council fiddling its recycling rates. BBC TV is here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-20503986


Lambeth likes the GREENWASH, lies and more lies, lets see what they say about the youth resources (actually we have saved and opened more (NOT) resources(cut more) and I've been working very hard on this!)
The myth of Lambeth’s 46% recycling rate

The claim has been made by Lambeth Council that it now has a ‘46% recycling rate’. It was trotted out for national recycling week And it was recycled in the Streatham Guardian today.

It would be surprising if this were the case, because Lambeth’s recycling has been lagging in recent years. It has fallen further and further behind the London average and is now lying in 28th place among London boroughs, recycling just over 27% of its waste according to official figures contained in the report at the end of last year from the London Assembly.

46% however is what Lambeth needs to achieve in order to reach the Mayor of London’s recycling targets, which are contained in Lambeth's waste strategy. The percentage of Local Authority Collected Municipal Waste reused, recycled or composted needs to be hitting this level by 2012/13.

The official statistics have still to be published for 2011-12, which makes the 46% figure even more perplexing. But closer inspection reveals that Lambeth has reached this figure by including waste it incinerates. This, it claims is “recycling” because some of the heat generated is used to make electricity (very inefficiently) and some of the materials from the ash are reclaimed.

When Lambeth has problems, what it often does is redefine things. It did it for example with potholes, meaning it didn’t have to repair as many. It is however less easy to redefine recycling. EU regulations set out a clear waste hierarchy, which makes it clear that incineration is not recycling.

Article 4 of the revised EU Waste Framework Directive (Directive 2008/98/EC) sets out five steps for dealing with waste, ranked according to environmental impact – the ‘waste hierarchy’.

Prevention, which offers the best outcomes for the environment, is at the top of the priority order, followed by preparing for re-use, recycling, other recovery and disposal, in descending order of environmental preference as follows:

1. Prevention: Using less material in design and manufacture. Keeping products for longer; re-use. Using less hazardous materials

2. Preparing for re-use: Checking, cleaning, repairing, refurbishing, whole items or spare parts

3. Recycling: Turning waste into a new substance or product. Includes composting if it meets quality protocols

4. Other recovery: Includes anaerobic digestion, incineration with energy recovery, gasification and pyrolysis which produce energy (fuels, heat and power) and materials from waste; some backfilling

5. Disposal: Landfill and incineration without energy recovery

What Lambeth are claiming is "recycling" is actually "other recovery" (4) and "disposal" (5) which is lower down the hierachy, and are not classified as 'recycling'.

What are the consequences of an emphasis on this rather than recycling? They are set out well here but in summary:

1. The energy produced is not “renewable energy” as Lambeth is claiming. The municipal waste being used is non-renewable, consisting of discarded materials such as paper, plastic and glass that are derived from finite natural resources such as forests that are being depleted at unsustainable rates.

2. Burning these materials in order to generate electricity actually creates a demand for “waste” and discourages much needed efforts to conserve resources, reduce packaging and waste and encourage recycling and composting.

3. Lambeth is incinerating materials which should be recycled. More than 90% of materials currently disposed of in incinerators can be reused, recycled and composted.

4. The incinerator poses a considerable risk to people’s health and environment. Even the most technologically advanced incinerators release thousands of pollutants that contaminate our air, soil and water. Many of these pollutants enter the food supply and concentrate up through the food chain. Incinerator workers and people living near incinerators are particularly at high risk of exposure to dioxin and other contaminants.

5. Burning the waste contributes to climate change. Incinerators emit more carbon dioxide (CO2) per unit of electricity (2988 lbs/MWh) than coal-fired power plants.

The place where Lambeth's incineration takes place is a Waste plant at Belvedere, Bexley. The plant was opposed by Ken Livingstone, among others, who took legal action against its construction. It was also highlighted by Friends of the Earth as something which would hinder, not help, in the battle against climate change.

In short, Lambeth’s recycling claims are not just misleading, they are destructive. They are creating more CO2 emissions, air pollution, and in the long term lessening the demand for recycling. This is greenwash.
This is what kicked this off "Hi All,
Looking for someone with legal knowledge to help Loughborough Estate a tenant led tenants Assc resist the sell off by Lambeth & URH bullies.

Loughborough Estate is the Largest and poorest part of Lambeth."

Following on from the strife and trouble of Loughborough Estate Management Board several members of staff have now left in mysterious circumstance, some have been suspended on ad hoc allegations that change with the weather, some have left for new pastures closer to field??(Brixton Hill) and some have just plain dissipated like weeds.

Loughborough Estate is now Overseen by the legendary Lambeth Living, what hope is there for us it just gets from bad to worse, at least with the whistle blowing URH have been removed from having responsibility of Loughborough Estate the undermining of the Loughborough Board continues...

Lambeth housing have shut down URH (6 Mths grace) but it has come to light that URH have £250,000 that they do not know from whence it came!!

Bizarre you may say, but not as bizarre as £1.5 million that they say they defo do not have and never have although URH accountant have stated that they are unwilling to sign the audited accounts due to the very LARGE discrepancies in the account, leaving URH to resolve this they also mentioned FRAUD in their own meeting (this is a 1st).... How does URH propose to solve this (lest we forget the URH is the spawned child of Lambeth housing) they decide to appoint a new auditor who will agree to anything they URH say, Just like the song goes if you don't like they you buy them..

Oh lets not forget the £2.4 Million that Lambeth housing has already given to URH that has been spent because URH ran out of money or did they!

Being pressured by the planet.
Has anyone heard of the Loughborough Junction Action Group?>
Yes doing a good job with the locals of Loughborough Junction and have happy time with ward councillors...


When Lambeth Living goes live, your Councillors still retain ultimate responsibility for the service that you receive, and you should still continue to refer complaints about the service which have not been adequately dealt with by officers to your ward councillor or the Cabinet member responsible for Housing (currently Councillor Lib Peck)."

Councillor Lib Peck is now leader of Lambeth Council, so you know to to complain to for the legendary Lambeth Living.

A cold wind is coming
News flash Roupells last board meeting had no proper minutes (maybe pencilled notes on napkins), just a jumble of haphazard words, no clear financial report, no treasurer, no CEO ( Brewster ) Mary Simpson misinformed everyone on minor matters, she had two witnesses to support her, this was challenged and the witnesses denied witnessing any thing!!!! Let the truth be free.
Sounds like the same old trips...

Looks like the Simpsons are losing the plot and that without the consort-Brewster Millions boss at her side it crumbles.

Queen Simpson agreed to allow staff to speak, then after letting them attend and kept them waiting for over 2hours, she in great wisdom refused them to speak... Incredible.

Queen Simpson also knows figures really well as is a (B)anker. The meeting was such a shambles that no decisions could be made, and refused a interim meeting, so for the next month, ( crucial time loads of money and changes being pushed rushed and shoved through ) chairs action will be the plan of the day !!

Does any of this sound familiar yet again?????

Digging dirt one thimble at a time
A cold wind has arrived direct form Siberia.

I have just been informed that The CEO of United Residents Housing who is also the company secretary of said organisation, has been dismissed though URH is still attempting to wind down!!! this startling news is very peculiar.
Lambeth Living are still providing Oversight although Cllr Pete Robbins said twice at a recent meeting on Loughborough Estate that they are Managing, (who do you believe! as politicians now speaks with forked tongue).

Sad news for URH and its chair the self proclaimed Bwanker whose name shall not be mentioned. But in light of this URH has been shut down, their accountant mentioned FRAUD at the last URH board meeting and promised to get back to URH board members at their next board meeting, this inevitably has not happened as yet (I wonder why!) in lieu of URH still having monies unaccounted for in the region of six figures!!! and LEMB claiming an amount of my guestimate over a million fro URH...

Will Brewster's millions be lost to the public or will it be a grey wash?

URH lost the last industrial tribunal held, Roupel park has now had to make appeasement financially to settle this case using more public funds to do this, with out good cause they have again wasted more public monies on top of what they have with the financial mismanagement of several Million pounds on heating contracts.. (no evidence of fraud there, we have all the receipts lol..) under the guidance of the Bwanker.

Also hot off the press the chair of LEMB appeared in court last week (no press coverage here, I wonder why) he was charged with several counts of GBH and Criminal Damage early last year and stood down from LEMB, but is now back after a long battle with the URH minions.

The verdict of Not Guilty on all Charges was pronounced (Well done you for sticking it out) Shame on you Lambeth for persecuting unjustly an individual dedicated to working for his community. I hope all who prejudged and those who presumed/decided guilt reflect on why they did this.

Positive news now, LEMB has served notice on Lambeth for Adjudication what this means for LEMB is VICTORY and Lambeth has been persecuting LEMB and the residents of Loughborough for over a year (and if you included URH well over a year) their quest to divide and conquer has failed Loughborough residents, who are resolute that they will not be lied to by Lambeth and its politicians, Cllr Heywood and Parr have a lot to answer to as they sat on URH's board and gave FULL support to all that URH did, not once objecting or speaking out about them.

Lets hope Cllr Lib Peck is able to contain this before it gets massively out of control.

Critical1 being critical about everything.

United Residents Housing Ltd

105 Angell Road
London SW9 7PD
United Kingdom

Industry: Real Estate
SIC Codes: 6531
Company Description: URH is an in-house arms length company owned by Lambeth Council which operates a management agreement for the provision of delegated services. The individual RMOs each have their own management agreement with the council. URH acts as the council's agent for the monitoring, supervision, and support of RMOs. The governing body of URH is its Board of Directors. This comprises nominees of the RMOs and the council, and elected independent directors who bring particular skills and expertise to the board. The council and the RMOs have agreed to maintain a balance of membership on the URH Board of Directors which is comprised of: 50% of directors who are nominees of the RMOs 25% of directors who are nominees of Lambeth Council 25% of directors who are independent directors
fair play to you critical1 for keeping on with this and for recording these shenanigans - important stuff. Good luck with everything :)

Thanks Brixton Hatter, we have so few forums to record happenings within the community, and if no one speaks, no one hears.

It is so important to have a place were the community can share and share what is happening especially here in Lambeth where we have the new rebranded and listening co-op council, who for many years have operated in secret and not taken notice of us. Maybe the new refreshed council will not be Pecked away or be found hiding in the Hey hidden in the Woods.

URH are supposed to be having a meeting possibly their final swan song soon, looks like they may not even be enough members to make it a proper meeting as they al ran away at the mention of financial impropriety , maybe it was something they ate! Lets not forget that John Brewster is the CEO of URH and also the Company Secretary with Mary Simpson being the chair for several years, with... The full support of Cllr Haywood and Parr , Cllr Haywood also sits in the cabinet of Lambeth, so is extremely well placed to make decisions on URH.

Critical1 becoming more cortical every day.
What you always knew...

As a Labour Council we are very proud of our diverse, mixed and vibrant
communities across Lambeth and so we are very concerned about the large
number of benefit changes that the coalition government are introducing and
the negative impact that this may have on many of our residents. We have
contacted the government a number of times to make our views clear and to
ask them to reconsider, but the coalition government have pushed these
changes through to become law.

The council has provided additional funding to Lambeth Living
who manage the majority of our housing stock to engage additional staff
to make contact with these families and discuss their options for making up
the shortfall in Housing Benefit that they will experience because they are
under-occupying their property according to the new size criteria. The
options for affected households include finding sustainable employment,
moving to a smaller property (assuming one is available), moving to a
cheaper area, mutually exchanging their property, taking in a lodger,
asking a non-dependent member of the household to pay more towards the rent
or otherwise making up the shortfall themselves.-Cllr Lib Peck

Not giving a Peck to council housing.
A cold wind has arrived direct form Siberia.

I have just been informed that The CEO of United Residents Housing who is also the company secretary of said organisation, has been dismissed though URH is still attempting to wind down!!! this startling news is very peculiar.
Lambeth Living are still providing Oversight although Cllr Pete Robbins said twice at a recent meeting on Loughborough Estate that they are Managing, (who do you believe! as politicians now speaks with forked tongue).

Sad news for URH and its chair the self proclaimed Bwanker whose name shall not be mentioned. But in light of this URH has been shut down, their accountant mentioned FRAUD at the last URH board meeting and promised to get back to URH board members at their next board meeting, this inevitably has not happened as yet (I wonder why!) in lieu of URH still having monies unaccounted for in the region of six figures!!! and LEMB claiming an amount of my guestimate over a million fro URH...

Will Brewster's millions be lost to the public or will it be a grey wash?

URH lost the last industrial tribunal held, Roupel park has now had to make appeasement financially to settle this case using more public funds to do this, with out good cause they have again wasted more public monies on top of what they have with the financial mismanagement of several Million pounds on heating contracts.. (no evidence of fraud there, we have all the receipts lol..) under the guidance of the Bwanker.

Also hot off the press the chair of LEMB appeared in court last week (no press coverage here, I wonder why) he was charged with several counts of GBH and Criminal Damage early last year and stood down from LEMB, but is now back after a long battle with the URH minions.

The verdict of Not Guilty on all Charges was pronounced (Well done you for sticking it out) Shame on you Lambeth for persecuting unjustly an individual dedicated to working for his community. I hope all who prejudged and those who presumed/decided guilt reflect on why they did this.

Positive news now, LEMB has served notice on Lambeth for Adjudication what this means for LEMB is VICTORY and Lambeth has been persecuting LEMB and the residents of Loughborough for over a year (and if you included URH well over a year) their quest to divide and conquer has failed Loughborough residents, who are resolute that they will not be lied to by Lambeth and its politicians, Cllr Heywood and Parr have a lot to answer to as they sat on URH's board and gave FULL support to all that URH did, not once objecting or speaking out about them.

Lets hope Cllr Lib Peck is able to contain this before it gets massively out of control.

Critical1 being critical about everything.
A spectre hangs over Lambeth, the spectre of...
Well Well, strange news arrives slowly.

John Brewster aka... has left his post as CEO of URH. I have it on good authority that he was seen slothing around URH HQ's looking like he was going on holiday, no suit and crumply tie only jeans and sweat top, no surprise really it's not his 1st dismissal... I remember Tower Hamlets were he made a speedy retreat.

Now to the good news URH is no more, YES URH is no more BUT they are still alive and around, let me explain how the living dead survive!
I know it sounds strange but URH is now the LIVING DEAD with Mary Simpon oops Simpson as its head. Lambeth in it's great wisdom has decided to keep URH alive, URH cannot be shut down until they can prove they are solvent!!
Errr resident were telling Rachel Sharpe/Heywood this several years ago that funny bizness was afoot involving several Million £££'s and only now they appear to be listening!!!

Maybe the legendary Bwanker can tell us how the money was spent... and we can all say actually your right you do have recipients for everything, it's just that you overspent and tried to blame others or maybe it just disappeared as that's what happens to money.

Anyway the deal is this URH can not be shut down until URH proves they are solvent(impossible), this will be very difficult for them as we know financial investigators are all over URH and still keep finding stuff in locked cupboards (lets have a big hand for URH finance officers) Fred Moore I'm sure will stake his reputation on it that URH is financially viable using public money.

Aprils Fools day brings many surprises also open season with the start of the Co-Op council will Lambeth bring in the $$$ or spend the £££'s lets wait and see.

I have also heard from the horses mouth that at an Employment tribunal held recently John Brewster was left under oath for 2 weeks, meaning he cant talk to anyone not even his expensive barrister about the case he took out on a member of staff, how deafening must that be, it must be very difficult for ex CEO to not be able to get advice especially when it's costing hundreds of our money to employ them, lets see what the outcome is, after all public money will be spent settling it all yet again, and we all like to look after the public purse.

Oh I nearly forgot to mention URH directors have got special immunity from Lambeth, err Lambeth cabinet has given all Board Members of URH indemnity in case it all goes pear shaped!!! so basicaly Lambeth set URH up and if URH make a balls up we indemnify you, how does this work, is it a license not to care as we just do what we like and if we FCUK up it don't matter, we as residents should shout out about that, special privileges NOT Grrr especially with our money and these tight economic times.

More news soon as this is just a little update as to what the residents of Loughborough are fighting against Big Society or Community Co-Op....

1 Co-Op at a time.
Bit of a little update, a little bird whispered that an Ex CEO I dunno who that could be!!! Might be offered a post in Rouple Park TMO as some sort of (mis)Manager, now who would want that??? any ideas anyone?

Hoovering up all the bits, bit by bit
It's seems the long fight goes on keep us informed critical1 how long does it take Lambeth to understand finance.

I hear the nest building at Roupell is well underway.
I wonder how a TMO is able to afford to employ part time advisers? They are still owned by the Borough and will be accountable for all the money's received, in the same way as local government are, any financial leeway is always a very small percentage of the overall budget!! Other money's that can be applied for ie lottery charities etc also have similar restrictions on how they can be spent, revenue as very rarely donated,particually in a case where previous experience is at a minimum.Lambeth needs to learn lessons from its recent past, it needs to monitor very carefully new ventures to avoid any more troubles with it's arms length policies. With new Cooperative Council to succeed we need to be absolutely sure that all decisions are well within the governance of Local Government Law, and to be much moreproactive in assuring that incentives get the advice and support that will lead to success. We can't afford to fail this one. Check check and double check.
<ed: deleted due to potentially libellous comments>

On another note we notice that another Co-op is being squashed by Lambeth how many more will the co-op council remove.

Just posted on how a Cllr contradicts themselves here http://www.urban75.net/forums/threa...in-brixton-comes-under-pressure.309474/page-7

More on Loughborough vs URH/Lambeth initial arbitration meeting went ahead today, Lambeth down 1 point if that's applicable. Apparently URH/Lambeth submitted a very sad case outcome to be heard soon.

<ed: deleted due to potentially libellous comments>

It appears that a few more porkies will be revealed over the coming days.

Critical 1
I've had to remove the content of some of your posts on this thread after receiving legal threats.

Please do not repeat those allegations again unless you can provide supporting evidence!

editor, Today at 2:53 PM"

Well I have it on good authority that the statement made by the Judge was correct. I must say that all Employment Tribunals are open to the public and that they do not provide documents to prove what is said or not, I challenge them if they have access to Court records to put the matter straight! why should I prove I am innocent of making potentially libellous comments!! :hmm: Let them prove I am.

Anyway editor you run a good site, few of us have the resources to fight the big wigs (Lambeth) with access to all our public money :( How much was wasted in Roupple Park £5/6 Million (estimated £5 million overspend as not sure) with no evidence of FRAUD but the Money was spent!!!! errr why can I not hear ALARM BELLS here??? who am I to judge...

To Prove a point how much of our money is being squandered and mismanaged and we Joe public have to foot the bill. When we expose it they come with hot shot expensive lawyers to shut us up... Libel yeah another waste of tax payers money, It's good that they have the time to read Urban75, shows that they are really busy working Co-Operatively for the community.

Watching THEM with a careful eye...
Good luck tomorrow!

In case it's of any use, Lambeth told a lot of us Shortlife residents, at the beginning of the recall of our homes, that all our houses were going to go to Notting Hill Housing, and that Notting Hill needed vacant possession of all properties.
Turned out, when Kate Hoey contacted Notting Hill CEO, that vacant possession wasn't needed at all... Lambeth had made it up.
Even after we had this confirmed, Devonshires were still citing it in court as the reason for getting possession.
Beware of everything they say!

Formal request for the Co-operative Party to Suspend Lib Peck, Pete Robbins and Steve Reed wp.me/p3uiFC-5Y

I find the above even more disconcerting. considering they are our elected representatives, they represent US in a Co-Op council but seem to be (have to be careful here) misrepresenting and adding fiction to their statements, I suddenly in the distance can hear the words Sorry we were misinformed!!!

Another question comes to mind why is our own MP Tessa Jowell not taking a vanguard position here or are they too embroiled with Local councillors Cllr Rachel Heywood who also sat on housing obstructing residents with forked tongue.

I was at a Housing Scrutiny Meeting a couple of weeks ago and there was a representative of Lambeth Living there, reporting back on work being done on the Palace Road Estate in Streatham. Fortunately there was also a Palace Road resident there, to put forward the resident's, very different, version of events... The committee believed the resident rather than Lambeth Living.
Confirmation of all the Libellous bits, have been confirmed more to come.. Watch this space.

Creating Libel out of TRUTH...
Cllr Lib Peck, the Cabinet Member for Strategic Housing on Lambeth Council, insisted that Lambeth is, “serious about becoming the country’s first co-operative council. We believe the best way to improve services is to give residents the power to change them”.

More here on VICE about the Un-Co-Operative council


Hasn't Cllr Peck been "upgraded" to use Cyberman speak? (sorry shouldn't have gone to 2 Doctor Who Proms this year!)
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