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Lee Jasper resigns as Chair of Brixton Splash


Here's the press release that was sent to me tonight:

The Brixton Splash Board wish to state that the comments made on the blog of Lee Jasper & those iterated elsewhere by Lee Jasper in relation to the Brixton Splash local business engagement were the personal views of Lee Jasper and had not in any way been endorsed by or discussed with the Board.

Lee Jasper has offered his resignation as Chair of Brixton Splash and the Board have accepted with immediate effect.

We look forward to seeing our community once again celebrating everything we are proud of about Brixton on 5th August.
Here's the thread that included contributions from Jasper:
Lets hope they get some one else with passion, drive, commitment, local connections and perhaps a bit more measured judgement. I am sure the involvement of Lee Jasper has overall been a good thing for Brixton and The Splash.
Thank you Mr Jasper, hopefully we'll see you around.
I think the board has some serious questions to answer about what they were thinking putting him in charge in the first place. But that's for another time perhaps.

Meahwhile I can't seem to find a <gloat smugly> smiley face.
It was a pretty awesomely misjudged move and the follow-up just made it worse - I'm not surprised they feel the need for some damage limitation now.
question is, does Lee Jasper accept that he was wrong to do what he did, and will he be issuing a personal apology to the businesses he maligned?

fair play for recognising that this was a resignation issue though.
question is, does Lee Jasper accept that he was wrong to do what he did, and will he be issuing a personal apology to the businesses he maligned

From reading his posts I very much doubt it, my gut feeling is that he thinks there was nothing wrong with what he did, and he can't understand all the fuss, but I would be happy to be proved wrong.

Over to you, Mr Jasper.

fair play for recognising that this was a resignation issue though.

But, did he?

From reading that brief press release, it sounds more like he was forced to resign.
I'm amazed none of those small businesses thought of legal action for defamation. Or maybe they did, hence this.
most small businesses don't really have the time or finances to fund such actions - only big corporates, and celebs generally bother.
This whole incident was spectacularly misjudged by Lee Jasper. When Ed was telling me about the resignation in the pub last night, I was thinking that I'm still kind of surprised he got it so wrong in the first place, then proceeded to make it even worse. I can't think how anyone would think that naming & shaming businesses was a good idea in this context. It's good LJ is no longer associated with Brixton Splash....and now local businesses and the organisers can get on with enjoying the event.

I expect LJ will be back soon though. I await details of the autumn 'debates' with baited breath!
Not impossible though. I have a mate who runs a tiny hairdressing business who began to have his reputation trashed by a competitor online. A lawyers letter stopped it. Small businesses shouldn't have to suffer defamation because they are too small to stop it.

Anyhow, not really an issue any more, thankfully.
Not impossible though. I have a mate who runs a tiny hairdressing business who began to have his reputation trashed by a competitor online. A lawyers letter stopped it. Small businesses shouldn't have to suffer defamation because they are too small to stop it.

Anyhow, not really an issue any more, thankfully.

Not impossible but not likely. How many cash strapped businesses would really risk legal action against BS?
Not impossible but not likely. How many cash strapped businesses would really risk legal action against BS?
Depends if they stood a chance of winning or not. But I guess they might not want to for nobler reasons, e.g. supporting Splash in general. Doesn't mean they couldn't take action against LJ as an individual though, which may be why the Splash executive were so quick to distance themselves.

Anyway it's not an issue now. Best result all round, really.
Lee must take advice from JJ Rawlings rather than the late Colonel Gaddhafi. Mellow is best. Bullying is never a good idea.
Depends if they stood a chance of winning or not. But I guess they might not want to for nobler reasons, e.g. supporting Splash in general. Doesn't mean they couldn't take action against LJ as an individual though, which may be why the Splash executive were so quick to distance themselves.

Anyway it's not an issue now. Best result all round, really.

It'd be a risky move on their part tbh, in PR terms it'd play right into the name and shame strategy.

I wouldn't hold my breath on this being the last of LJ's involvement in community affairs in Brixton. Anyone thinking/hoping/gloating over that thought is a fucking idiot!:D
I don't think they ever needed to take legal action - it was a hugely counter-productive move in the first place. It was always going to put off businesses who _did_ contribute too and generally harm any sort of chance for relationships, if people felt there was some compulsion. Just raising the issue publicly was enough to have Splash try to distance themselves from it as much as possible.
I think this is a remarkably favourable outcome. I never expected Jasper to step down - he's a seasoned "big beast" and an expert at high level political infighting at City Hall level. It underlines the power of the internet: enabling an ad-hoc group of ordinary people to research report and challenge dubious conduct. 20 years ago he would have got away with it. I know this wasn't a Twitter Revolution, but this episode tells a very encouraging story about the internet-enabled changing balance of power between the political class and the people.

I expect LJ will be back. He's a tough and experienced operator, and needs to rebuild his power base after losing his £127,000pa City Hall sinecure.

I hope Jo Birch-Phaure will attend to the BS website, correcting its many errors, omissions and typos. It would also be good to know whether the expansion of BS aims - from one day street party to year-round mentoring/employment organisation - is a board-approved plan of substance or a random claim by LJ.
I don't think they ever needed to take legal action - it was a hugely counter-productive move in the first place. It was always going to put off businesses who _did_ contribute too and generally harm any sort of chance for relationships, if people felt there was some compulsion. Just raising the issue publicly was enough to have Splash try to distance themselves from it as much as possible.

I had talked to several shopkeepers about this "naming and shaming". Asking if they knew about this. And telling them there was thread here and also LJs article on Brixton Blog.

One of them , the next time I talked to him, had already looked up the article and asked other shopkeepers he knew about it. One of whom had been approached by LJ.

Word was getting around the shopkeepers in Brixton and it seems to me that none of them opposed Splash what they all opposed was "naming and shaming".

As Urbanspaceman pointed out LJ ,whilst using the internet himself, underestimated its power to disseminate information and give people a safe place to challenge the powerful.

And make no mistake LJ has in the past wielded a lot of power. I agree with Kid Eternity this is not the last of LJ in Brixton.

I was surprised at his resignation. I think as more shopkeepers got to know about this through people here asking them about it and some who have small business posting up here his position became untenable.

Whether the Board knew about the "naming and shaming" is another issue. As LJ put it up on his blog and his Twitter I cannot see how the rest of the board could not have known what he was doing.

I have looked over the main thread started by LJ this morning and I see nothing wrong with it. It has a mixture of posters. A full and frank discussion. I dont see how LJ can complain. He is a seasoned political operator used to discussion. I got the impression he is more used to debates at public meetings than internet discussions.

I also think he underestimated the quality of the posters that are found on Urban. Looking at the thread there were some very good thought out posts.

He still might:

"I find some of the silly accusations and personal comments of minority contributors, stereotypical and loaded with assumptions. If the entire threads are read that becomes apparent. I felt that one in particular on the U75 was indeed informed by a crude racial stereotype.
We have captured these comments so the local community can judge for themselves their tone and tenor . I think most people will be shocked. A significant section of the local community who form part of our core constituency are not on line so a public debate is an important aspect of further discussion."

from comment after this piece on BB
The other unfortunate thing about his resignation is that some of the issues he was highlighting were correct. I would say they were issues of inequality and class rather than race on its own. ( as Violent Panda has pointed out). Though I would say they are inter related.

from same post as quoted in my last post #28

He is correct in saying that rising unemployment affects Black people more. But it is Race and Class not just race issue. Its unfortunate imo that his actions have meant any meaningful discussion on these important issues have been sidelined.

"We have massive youth unemployment particularly among black youth we need to encourage and support more of the local community to consider starting up their own business. We have serious issues with youth violence and post the August 2011 disturbances relations with the police remained strained.
We endure rising levels of unemployment that disproportionately impacts local black young people and women. We also have increasing number of elderly living in alone in poverty and isolation.
Homelessness is a huge problem in addition to a significant and I fear growing mental health crisis all of which is seriously exacerbated by huge cuts to public sector spending"


Also see this Guardian article on Black youth unemployment:

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