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Lambeth's plans to demolish Cressingham Gardens and other estates without the consent of residents

Well that's several pages more of signatures got.

Thanks to High Definintion's way with people, several more will also be inclined to spread the word.

Realisation seems to be dawning that this thing on the edge of the park will affect park users, whether they live in the immediate area or not. Very heartening to find so many willing to stop, listen, and sign.

Okay, maybe this is still going to be steamrollered over by the council, but I'd rather go down fighting than wonder if there was something I could have done.
A BBuzz update following the recent Council communication. CPO's a possibility :(
Not exactly news to the leaseholders and freeholders. :(

Not I'm one of them, but people who've deliberately chosen to live here (rather than trying to make the best of what they were offered by the council) do tend to have a stabilising effect on the estate.
I've just been looking through the 8 page brochure issued by Lambeth to residents earlier this month under the title Cressingham Gardens: to refurbish or regenerate? There's no date on the document but it refers to the Cabinet decision on 9th March so I'm assuming it was issued after that.

I picked out 3 things that were new to me at least

1. Page two says that Options One to Three are unaffordable and will not be pursued. The report to the Cabinet meeting on 9th March implied this but didn't actually say that Options Two and Three had been ruled out.

2. If the May meeting of Cabinet agrees an approved option "a new masterplanning team will be commissioned to work up, in collaboration with residents, a detailed masterplan for the regeneration of Cressingham Gardens". This confirms some news I picked up earlier this week that the architects Karthaus are off the job and the plans and 3-dimensional massing designs they produced last summer have been jettisoned.

3. The dates on page 8 ("Next Steps") confirm that the programme has slipped yet again. If Cabinet agrees a preferred option in May, then there will be yet more "master planning" (from May to December 2015) with the planning application not scheduled for submission until September 2016.

So - a long campaign ahead for all of us!
I've just been looking through the 8 page brochure issued by Lambeth to residents earlier this month under the title Cressingham Gardens: to refurbish or regenerate? There's no date on the document but it refers to the Cabinet decision on 9th March so I'm assuming it was issued after that. <snip>

So - a long campaign ahead for all of us!
That brochure arrived within the last two weeks.

You think what lies ahead is long? People on the estate have already had two years of being 'consulted and worked with' aka softened up, worn down, threatened, misinformed, and lied to.
Lovely! Was sent the draft version of the official Test Of Opinion this afternoon. The only viable options given to vote on are 4 and 5. :mad:

Not that I'll even have that chance, only one person per household gets a voice at all. That, if you please, on an estate where a majority of dwellings contain more than one adult over the age of majority. How very feudal. :rolleyes:
The Save Cressingham campaign made it to national TV on Thursday evening. Ed Miliband was questioned about Lambeth Labour's policy during the Battle for Number 10 TV debate.

BBuzz piece.

Bartley the Green party candidate made a fair point:

“While Miliband is presenting Labour as a changed party from the Blair-Brown years, what Lambeth Labour are proposing for Cressingham Gardens is indicative of a lingering, old-fashioned New Labour strain of politics which remains powerful in the party.”

People like Rashid natural home should be the Labour party. I have also met ex Labour party members who are now in Left Unity.

A lot of long standing rank and file members of the Labour party left over Iraq and Blair increasingly right wing New Labour project.

I met an ex Labour party member who was glad the Ed had won the leadership. This was in her eyes hopefully the end of New Labour. Eds problem has been that the Labour party he leads has areas like Lambeth Labour which are totally under the control of the New Labour element. Brooking no independent minded Cllrs who will not toe the line.
The Save Cressingham campaign made it to national TV on Thursday evening. Ed Miliband was questioned about Lambeth Labour's policy during the Battle for Number 10 TV debate.

BBuzz piece.
Meanwhile, I was at the launch of the local Labour party's campaign with our beloved Labour MP and somebody or other (candidate for Croydon), hosted by the party faithful. So damn faithful that in spite of my waiting my turn and then some before asking any questions, I was almost immediately given a hard time by the rest of the audience. To his credit, he did give me a few minutes later on to talk about the estate's situation, and might call me back next week, but he seems so far in Matthew Bennett's pocket (according to CU, he doesn't want to destroy the estate - funny way of showing it) that I doubt he can see out. :(
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Meanwhile, I was at the launch of the local Labour party's campaign with our beloved Labour MP and somebody or other (candidate for Croydon), hosted by the party faithful. So damn faithful that in spite of my waiting my turn and then some before asking any questions, I was almost immediately given a hard time by the rest of the audience. To his credit, he did give me a few minutes later on to talk about the estate's situation, and might call me back next week, but he seems so far in Matthew Bennett's pocket (according to CU, he doesn't want to destroy the estate - funny way of showing it) that I doubt he can see out. :(

Bennett doesn't want to destroy the estate per se, he wants to "regenerate" it, which means he's more than happy to destroy the community, regardless of the woo about people not being moved away.
So, it's easy for beardie Bennett to say "hey Chuck, I don't wanna destroy Cressingham/Knight's Walk/Central Hill etc". It's a meaningless reassurance.
Loved the new banners. Yesterday they were attracting lots of attention from people walking in the park. Got another page of signatures on the petition. It was cold and windy, so weren't many people out and about, but 90% of the people I approached agreed to sign the petition. Planning to get and do more petitioning in the park (outside Cressingham Gate) next Saturday pm. Here are two more photos - a shot of the banners being made outside the Rotunda and another shot of Save Brockwell's Skyline.DSCF0821.jpgDSCF0833.jpg
Some surplus nomark of a fuckwit misguided human being decided to cut down laminated pages, including contact details, and tear and cut at most of the fixture points on one of the banners (including all the ones on the lower edge). :mad: And breathe.

So guess what I've spent a couple of hours repairing, refixing, and organising the remaking of? Got it in one.

Don't tell me it was the wind, that doesn't use scissors, nor does it tear off gaffer tape and then crumple it on the grass. I know how the eyelets were made and the tearing pattern on the banner should not have been possible.

FAO any local Labour faithful (of whom I was one until very recently) reading this: If you object to the nature of that particular banner*, how about supporting residents on this estate and listening to us, instead of ignoring us, lying about us, deceiving us and trying to silence us?

*"Friends and neghbours abandoned by Labour" - the three ward councillors are Labour, as is Matthew Bennett and the local MP Chukka Umunna.
And today some rancid scumfuck(s) removed most (but not all) of the banners both parkside and roadside.
E2A: They'll be replaced!
Anyone would think that someone felt threatened by the evil militant residents!
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re. banners and Park. The Park still has a Manager and a few Staff, and there was a very strong NW wind over the weekend. Maybe if the banners were placed on the inside of the railings they might be more secure. Good luck
re. banners and Park. The Park still has a Manager and a few Staff, and there was a very strong NW wind over the weekend. <snip>
I can assure you, the banners were not blown loose. They were up before the park was unlocked on Teusday, and shortly afterwards they weren't. Looking at the remnants on the railings, they needed a knife or scissors to remove them. But thanks for the tip.
I can assure you, the banners were not blown loose. They were up before the park was unlocked on Teusday, and shortly afterwards they weren't. Looking at the remnants on the railings, they needed a knife or scissors to remove them. But thanks for the tip.

I asked a couple of the park staff on my way across the park this morning, and they said they didn't know anything about them being taken down.
I'm not accusing any particular person. I don't care who did it, and there are probably wrong uns around who'd be happy to do it for free. I'm more interested in why.
Loved the new banners. Yesterday they were attracting lots of attention from people walking in the park. Got another page of signatures on the petition. It was cold and windy, so weren't many people out and about, but 90% of the people I approached agreed to sign the petition. Planning to get and do more petitioning in the park (outside Cressingham Gate) next Saturday pm. Here are two more photos - a shot of the banners being made outside the Rotunda and another shot of Save Brockwell's Skyline.View attachment 69399View attachment 69400
I'm up for more petitioning on the park side of Cressingham Gate as, so far, it's been a good way of making contact with users of the park and other local groups. Had been planning to turn up for another session tomorrow (4th April) but decided against in the light of the latest weather forecast (overcast with chance of showers). Judging by last weekend, weather like this is likely to put off all but the most determined joggers and dog walkers. I'm tied up on other days this Easter weekend, but planning to turn out the following Sunday if the weather improves.
I'm up for more petitioning on the park side of Cressingham Gate as, so far, it's been a good way of making contact with users of the park and other local groups. <snip> I'm tied up on other days this Easter weekend, but planning to turn out the following Sunday if the weather improves.
Fair enough, I hope you have a good weekend, here's hoping that next weekend's weather will be better.
Incidentally, I've checked the cost of readymade freestanding poles which usually support tarpaulins. A pair, not even including guylines or pegs, would be £15. So those are out.

A pioneered equivalent can be made and rigged for a lot less; who knew that paramilitary* youthgroups would teach something so useful for nonviolent purposes? ;)

*according to some.
Something I ought to have said yesterday, but was a bit too busy and then shattered to think of it: Chukka Umunna, who said he'd call me this Thursday afternoon about the situation with the estate, didn't phone me.

I could say something sexist here, but being scathing about politicians in general would probably be a fairer comment.
Fuck Chukka, chuck Chukka.
These politicians are not interested in the working class. He is a posh boy educated at a fee paying school, he thinks people who go to nightclubs are "trash", he took a £20,000 "gift" from the betting industry and supports all these betting shops bleeding the life out of our community.
He is very pro business and anti interventionist. This is a millionaire who strolls around in £1,000 suits and doesn't pay his student assistants.
He is a Tory in disguise.
Fuck Chukka, chuck Chukka.
These politicians are not interested in the working class. He is a posh boy educated at a fee paying school, he thinks people who go to nightclubs are "trash", he took a £20,000 "gift" from the betting industry and supports all these betting shops bleeding the life out of our community.
He is very pro business and anti interventionist. This is a millionaire who strolls around in £1,000 suits and doesn't pay his student assistants.
He is a Tory in disguise.
Dexter I think you need to get the line right.

Last time there was any discussion of Chuka and discos he was supposed to have done DJing in Ibiza where he had family property. There was also some talk of the name "Harrison" in this high life connection.

You've missed out if wanted to see what a Streatham Tory could be like.

The late Duncan Sandys (MP for Streatham 23 February 1950 – 23 February 1974) was so Tory it is surreal:
Minister of Defence 14 January 1957 – 14 October 1959
Secretary of State for the Colonies 13 July 1962 – 16 October 1964
Shadow Secretary of State for the Colonies 16 October 1964 – 13 April 1966
amongst other posts

Sandys was not employed by Ted Heath - apparently because Duncan Sandys strongly supported Ian Smith's UDI in Rhodesia.

Of Sandys business interests, Wikipedia says: His business activities included a Directorship of the Ashanti Goldfields Corporation, which was later part of Lonrho of which he became Chairman. He was therefore caught up in the scandal in which Lonrho was revealed to have bribed several African countries and broken international sanctions against Rhodesia, as well as the "unpleasant and unacceptable face of capitalism" episode involving 8 Directors being sacked by Tiny Rowland.

I am not trying to have a love-in with Chukka here, but really without doubt Chukka is more in the world of the common people than Duncan Sandys (who was incidentally also son in law to Winston Churchill).
I am not trying to have a love-in with Chukka here, but really without doubt Chukka is more in the world of the common people than Duncan Sandys (who was incidentally also son in law to Winston Churchill).

He came to Streatham he had a thirst for polytricks,
He was Head Boy at St Dunstan's College,
That's where power,
Caught his eye.
He told me that his Dad was loaded,
I said "In that case I'll have a rum and coca-cola."
He said "Fine."
And in thirty seconds time he said,

I want to live like common people,
I want to do whatever common people do,
I want to sleep with common people,
I want to sleep with common people,
Like you.
Was looking at some old Lambeth Living letters, one from 30/04/08 and the other 28/03/11 and in both Lib Peck was the Cabinet Member for Housing if that is of intrest to anybody.
Was looking at some old Lambeth Living letters, one from 30/04/08 and the other 28/03/11 and in both Lib Peck was the Cabinet Member for Housing if that is of intrest to anybody.
Thanks for digging that out. Back at the time AFAIK there was an offer to do up the voids in a mutually advantageous way, for cost only (building trainees are desperate for practical placements), and the council turned it down? :facepalm:

Does not surprise me.
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