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Hold onto your hats: ‘SPIEGEL’ claims Syria has secret nuclear facility...


[...] Analysts say that the Syrian atomic weapon program has continued in a secret, underground location. According to information they have obtained, approximately 8,000 fuel rods are stored there. Furthermore, a new reactor or an enrichment facility has very likely been built at the site -- a development of incalculable geopolitical consequences.

Some of the uranium was apparently hidden for an extended period at Marj as-Sultan near Damascus, a site that the IAEA likewise views with suspicion. Satellite images from December 2012 and February 2013 show suspicious activity at Marj as-Sultan. The facility, located not far from a Syrian army base, had become the focal point of heavy fighting with rebels. Government troops had to quickly move everything of value. They did so, as intelligence officials have been able to reconstruct, with the help of Hezbollah, the radical Shiite "Party of God" based in Lebanon. The well-armed militia, which is largely financed by Iran, is fighting alongside Assad's troops.

Intercepted Conversations

Intelligence agency findings indicate that the material was moved to a well-hidden underground location just west of the city of Qusayr, not even two kilometers from the border with Lebanon. They managed the move just in time. Marj as-Sultan ultimately did fall to the rebels, but has since been retaken by government troops [...]

I particularly liked this bit near the end:

Islamic State recently invited IAEA inspectors to investigate in areas under their control. The terror organization conquered the area around Deir al-Zor several months ago and offered the IAEA the opportunity to have another look around the Kibar facility.

Apparently the IAEA politely declined the kind invitation.



Based on documents that SPIEGEL has in its possession, the agencies are convinced that Assad is continuing in his efforts to build the bomb.

The history of proliferation and non-proliferation is not devoid of faked documents.

In whose interest would it be to do so?

Or, if they are real, who would be leaking them and why?
Israel did bomb that suspicious site a few years ago.
2011 operation orchard in great secrecy can't imagine Assad gave up.
Doubt IS is going to get any hello to restart it though.
Plus I doubt they are keen on making dirty bombs.


The history of proliferation and non-proliferation is not devoid of faked documents.

In whose interest would it be to do so?

Or, if they are real, who would be leaking them and why?

I'd also suggest, seeing as underground facilities can be sited in a great many places, that if I were choosing one for a top secret nuclear facility I certainly wouldn't put it less than two kilometres from the Lebanese border or any other border, for that matter.
Seems hardly worth worrying about when the Fukushima nuclear plant is still spewing out radiation into the oceans, marine ecosystems and our food chain..
Israel did bomb that suspicious site a few years ago.
2011 operation orchard in great secrecy can't imagine Assad gave up.
Doubt IS is going to get any hello to restart it though.
Plus I doubt they are keen on making dirty bombs.
Irish radio has just said that the Israeli s have admitted bombing the site in 2007.
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