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Here's how astronauts sleep in space

This is just skylab reinvented.

http://msis.jsc.nasa.gov/volume2/Appx_h/ls16.htm (there's a video you can play 'click here')

You can see its a very similar sleeping bag, in the 1970's there are no laptops to keep astronauts entertained. ;)

For exercise on skylab, they had a hamster style ring

On the space station, they have

That weight machine has to be expensive, it costs $60,000 to lift 1 kg into space using the space shuttle. I don't know how much the weight machine weighs, but If the machine weighs 10 kg, that would be $600,000 in transport costs alone! :eek:
That weight machine has to be expensive, it costs $60,000 to lift 1 kg into space using the space shuttle. I don't know how much the weight machine weighs, but If the machine weighs 10 kg, that would be $600,000 in transport costs alone! :eek:

Its not a weight machine though. That would be pointless :D
A resistance machine is probably the right word. I guess it just needs to be strong, not heavy
fascinating....not so much the sleeping but the moving around, how is he staying stood up when he is just talking? why is he not floating up?.....wonder if that laptop is loaded up with porn?, got to blow somewhere.... whacking off or wet dreams, that must have been an interesting convo during design.
So cool...I don't want to be in space but I do want to float!


It'd make the drudgery of normal life that much easier. Just being able to whoosh around, float along your house, oh god you could use every wall/floor/ceiling to store stuff because being upright wouldn't matter. That would solve ALL my storage problems XD

Can we start a petition to make the earth zero g please? Why haven't they done this yet? This is the future, dammit!
That is a fascinating tour around the space station. It is not at all as I imagined it. It looks a bit claustrophobic except for the fact that there are various different areas to go to for different purposes. I could imagine that freely floating around could lead to banging of heads and limbs on to things that stick out, such as the laptops hanging from the wall in one of the labs.

It'd make the drudgery of normal life that much easier. Just being able to whoosh around, float along your house, oh god you could use every wall/floor/ceiling to store stuff because being upright wouldn't matter. That would solve ALL my storage problems XD

Can we start a petition to make the earth zero g please? Why haven't they done this yet? This is the future, dammit!

you cant unless you want the atmosphere to be lost and earth to become uninhabitable. If it was zero g it would also end up being pulled into the sun wouldn't it since there would be nothing balancing the sun's gravity to earth? (assuming i've understood correctly) Sorry :(

It's doable, VP. You just need something with the mass of the Earth hovering above you at all times. It also needs to be manoeuvrable/able to move closer and further away from you depending on how high you want to float. There might be a slight problem in that it would change the Earth's orbit, but I'm sure we'll come up with a solution to that. And it might also make everything around you float, so make sure you've got everything nailed down.
Is that actually zero G though? It just simulates it doesn't it?
You are falling and so is the plane.
That's what zero-G is. The ISS is falling towards the earth all the time, it's just that it's going sideways so fast that it keeps on missing.
But a strong machine would also be heavy? :cool: You are correct, its a resistance machine. :oops:
No, because it's effectively weightless once it gets up there. In theory they could probably do the lot by being a bit inventive with elasticated bands, but presumably it was decided that the long term benefits of shipping something stronger up there once outweighed the benefit of sending everyone up with some resistance bands and a long instruction manual.
Might be a circulation thing. When I was in hospital I had to wear some really gruesome plastic sock thingys. They honked, badly, but there was a good reason for wearing them as far as I remember.

Yeah, they're probably to stop DVT like flight socks etc.
Not sure I would like it on the space station, some bits are very cramped, I might become claustrophobic. Amazing video though. The Soyuz looks the most cramped of all.
Not sure I would like it on the space station, some bits are very cramped, I might become claustrophobic. Amazing video though. The Soyuz looks the most cramped of all.

Don't care, I just want to go to space and look out of the window and see planets.
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