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HEADS UP - BNP: The Fraud Exposed - Panorama BBC1 Mon 10/10/11 - 8.30pm


The wheels on the bus go round and round....
At last the "BNP: The Fraud Exposed" Panorama show is listed and confirmed for Monday 10th Oct., having been delayed at least twice over the last month or so, should be worth watching.

Nick Griffin's British National Party, already under investigation for breaches of electoral law, is facing fresh allegations of corruption. Panorama uncovers new evidence of financial documents being falsified and fabricated in order to deceive the Electoral Commission. The programme also has evidence of the BNP's failure to declare major donations to the party.

As Darragh MacIntyre reports, the BNP, which is better known for its controversial views on race, is in debt and according to its own published accounts appears to be technically insolvent.

The BBC are reporting that the European Union and Metropolitan Police are investigating the BNP for breaching electoral law and inappropriate use of EU money

BNP facing accusations of fraud

Aye, and Gri££in has responded on the main BNP site:

Dear Fellow Nationalist, the British National Party is being subjected to an unprecedented campaign of lies and half-truths, court actions and sabotage to prevent it from saving our people and our country. Dark forces are at work trying to kill our party, using every weapon at their disposal.

[Donate, donate, donate, donate]

www > bnp.org.uk/news/national/panorama-%E2%80%93-answering-smears

Brons has his say here: www > bnpideas.com/?p=2563
I was hearing fairly solid rumours about Griffin not only running the BNP as his personal fiefdom, but also of his diverting large amounts of cash for his own personal use about ten years ago. So it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if large amounts of money had been, shall we say, diverted from where they were originally intended to go.
Aye, and Gri££in has responded on the main BNP site:

Brons has his say here: www > bnpideas.com/?p=2563

Remember that the BBC have done this to the BNP before, back in 2004 with their 'expose' The Secret Agent
, by Jason Gwynne and mole Andy Sykes. This resulted in Nick Griffin, Mark Collett and John Tyndall being charged with 'race hate' offences and subsequently with Griffin and Collett being acquitted, twice (Tyndall died before the trial started).

The 2004 documentary was flawed and a failure, let hope that any charges brought against Griffin this time are more successful.
Remember that the BBC have done this to the BNP before, back in 2004 with their 'expose' The Secret Agent
, by Jason Gwynne and mole Andy Sykes. This resulted in Nick Griffin, Mark Collett and John Tyndall being charged with 'race hate' offences and subsequently with Griffin and Collett being acquitted, twice (Tyndall died before the trial started).

The 2004 documentary was flawed and a failure, let hope that any charges brought against Griffin this time are more successful.




I hope this isn't meant as a salute to a 20th Century dictator.
Is this a delibrate calculated fraud ?Or a bunch of muppets getting access to large sums of money and then trying to cover up the fact they pissed it away on cheap booze and Nazi regalia off of e bay?Not that it matters the BNP all ways looked like people trying to do grown up politics and failing ,and, would always fall foul of something like this.
I doubt it's the (un)steady eddy.

I'm getting my alcoholic Hitlerites confused. Would we be referring to Eddy Morrison or some alter ego of Sid Williamson? On the other hand, I'm sure that in the eyes of some boneheads, the Bostik Boy and the Sofa Soaker would represent the new dream team of far right politics.
Remember that the BBC have done this to the BNP before, back in 2004 with their 'expose' The Secret Agent
, by Jason Gwynne and mole Andy Sykes. This resulted in Nick Griffin, Mark Collett and John Tyndall being charged with 'race hate' offences and subsequently with Griffin and Collett being acquitted, twice (Tyndall died before the trial started).

The 2004 documentary was flawed and a failure, let hope that any charges brought against Griffin this time are more successful.
This has all the hall-marks of another Searchlight fund-raiser - big on hype - zero in terms of substance.
Ooo I'll be watching this, I love watching Griffin flapping about. These stories are always littered with half baked BNP law and order candidates who've done a ten stretch for armed robbery.
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