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google bans spacewar.com worldwide


the truth don't care
For the first time in what some fear will signal a growing trend, Google Inc. has banned and removed a mainstream news website from all its worldwide search engines, seemingly due to the website's reports on China's geopolitical affairs and military technology.

Google came under fire last month for agreeing to install government search filters on its Chinese based search engine. The company that was founded on the motto "don't be evil," claimed that some censorship was acceptable because in the long term the Internet would be opened up to a wider audience and freedom of speech would expand.

That excuse can today be put to bed because Google has banned its users inside the US and the rest of the world from accessing the Space War website from its search engine.


We can surely do without spacewar.com but who's next? And after that? :( :mad:
Jazzz said:

We can surely do without spacewar.com but who's next? And after that? :( :mad:
We could certainly do without prisonplanet, that's for sure.

Oh, and type in "Space War" and guess what comes up as number one in Google?

Yep, that's right: http://www.spacewar.com/

Why don't you fucking research the clueless shit you regurgitate from moronic websites for gullible conspiraloons before spewing it over here?

rogue yam said:
Dude! I just googled the term "spacewar" from here in the U.S. I got 233,000 hits, the fifth of which was http://www.spacewar.com/. Am I doing something wrong?
No, It's just Jazzz once again displaying his laughable inability to think for himself.

If it's on a dodgy conspiraloon website, he believes it. And then he posts it up here.

Oh, and in the real world, Google dropped BMW from their global search engine recently:
editor said:
We could certainly do without prisonplanet, that's for sure.

Oh, and type in "Space War" and guess what comes up as number one in Google?

Yep, that's right: http://www.spacewar.com/

Why don't you fucking research the clueless shit you regurgitate from moronic websites for gullible conspiraloons before spewing it over here?

So, it's back on, and you jump to the assumption that the original article was a load of crap???

Why don't you do the fucking research YOU should do before you go accusing prisonplanet of making its stuff up?

Google Inc. has responded to our requests to re-index our associated website SpaceWar.com, a news site covering military space.
Many thanks to all our readers who helped with your emails and phone calls.

We look forward to a profitable partnership with Google to provide our readers with highly contextual ads driven by our vast database of news and information.


Here's a tip - don't go around insulting people.
Hold on - I may be missing something here. Their website drops off Google for a day, and they instantly assume it's censorship?
Jazzz said:
So, it's back on, and you jump to the assumption that the original article was a load of crap???
Another Jazzz ConspiraFACT!

Here's a tip. Learn about Google before swallowing drivel off your pet nutjob site:

The way the site leapt to a dramatic conclusion without any evidence is noteworthy:

"Google Inc. has banned SPACEWAR.COM, a news site covering military space. Reasons for the ban by Google are unclear"

..and for an extra dramatic twist, why not suggest it's something to do with Google's much criticised China deal?

"Google Inc in the wake of pressure from the Chinese government has begun blocking access to various websites deemed unfriendly to the "Boys From Beijing" (TM).

At this stage we have no evidence to suggest this is the reason why Google has banned SPACEWAR.COM."

..and finally, a day later...

"Google Inc. has responded to our requests to re-index our associated website SpaceWar.com, a news site covering military space"

So no 'banning'. A non story spun out for gullible fools. I note prisonplanet's misleading and inaccurate article remains unlatered, though.

You know what? I think I might just ban all mention of them off this site.
I read the space news websites regularly, so I've read about this already. Spacewar.com did get removed from google's index - due to spacewar.com breaking some Adsense rules. They fixed their pages and were allowed back on. No big deal. Them's the facts.
Crispy said:
I read the space news websites regularly, so I've read about this already. Spacewar.com did get removed from google's index - due to spacewar.com breaking some Adsense rules.
Surely you mean 'banned' because of something that's maybe got something to do with Google's censorship deal with China and The Man wants to ban the spacewars site or something, yes?

The way spacewars responded to this incident is woefully unprofessional, slopping around suggestions of censorship before they'd even bothered to establish the facts.

It doesn't say a lot for their journalistic credibility, and I wouldn't blame Google for dumping the fuckers after this groundless mud-slinging.

Funny how prisonplanet didn't run a hysterical censorship article when BMW actually were removed from Google's index for transgressing the rules, isn't it?
Oh, prisonplanet's hardly a reliable new site :) - just saying how the early accusations of actual lying earlier on were in fact wrong.
editor said:
The way spacewars responded to this incident is woefully unprofessional, slopping around suggestions of censorship before they'd even bothered to establish the facts.

It doesn't say a lot for their journalistic credibility, and I wouldn't blame Google for dumping the fuckers after this groundless mud-slinging.

Well how would you react if you got caught with your pants down manipulating your search engine ratings? Admit it, or scream OMG CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!111 :D
I don't understand this distinction from 'removing from the index' and 'banning' that you seem to have made Ed.

Aren't they exactly the same thing? If you are removed from the index, then when you search google it won't show up, so it's banned ain't it?

I mean, if they DID ban something, wouldn't they just remove it from the index?

That isn't to say I think Google did ban it, just find it strange that there is a distinction being made that doesn't exist.
Fong said:
I don't understand this distinction from 'removing from the index' and 'banning' that you seem to have made Ed.
Err, the first post claims that they were 'banned' as an act of political censorship.

And that is utter bollocks.
For the first time in what some fear will signal a growing trend, Google Inc. has banned and removed a mainstream news website from all its worldwide search engines, seemingly due to the website's reports on China's geopolitical affairs and military technology.
See the difference?

It's a non story. Sites get kicked off Google for breaking their rules all the time and are quickly reindexed once they comply with their rules.

Happily, idiotic conspiraloon websites aren't bothered about ordinary sites being booted off and only pipe up when they think there's a dramatic 'conspiracy' story to be spread to the gullible.

prisonplanet still haven't updated their article.
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