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Glastonbury 2011

I'm working, and watching the TV of it last night made me all nostalgic again far too early on in the process!
Am deffo going in 2011. Hopefully working with Oxfam this time though rather than SLS - would use them as a Plan B though, if push came to shove.
Just been to a planing meeting for this. Apparently the ********* field is gonna have a ******* but no ********** :D
Im getting pissed off with it, done 10 in a row, the clientele seem to be getting more wanky, my freinds seem to be getting more lazy (spend a vast majority of it sitting at a campsite), i practically had to camp in a fucking toilet this year...... i think it'll be quits from me.....

however boomtown fair was epic, so ill do that instead :D
Im getting pissed off with it, done 10 in a row, the clientele seem to be getting more wanky, my freinds seem to be getting more lazy (spend a vast majority of it sitting at a campsite), i practically had to camp in a fucking toilet this year...... i think it'll be quits from me.....

I started to find that, so I started working there, and it became a whole different festival to me, far more fun than just sitting around being a punter all day. Couldn't do that at Glasto again.
I think I may be going again next year after missing this year's, my girlfriend has never been and is getting on my case about it.

So whats the rumour mill saying about line-up? I've heard U2 and Kylie, both seem plausible as they've been booked in the recent past but had to pull out.
I work at lots of others, but cant do it with glasto, as i can normally only go on saturday and sunday due to work :(
Im getting pissed off with it, done 10 in a row, the clientele seem to be getting more wanky, my freinds seem to be getting more lazy (spend a vast majority of it sitting at a campsite), i practically had to camp in a fucking toilet this year...... i think it'll be quits from me.....

however boomtown fair was epic, so ill do that instead :D

I know exactly how you feel - i did 20 in a row and towards the end it got quite boring. I have much more fun at the smaller events like boomtown and bearded theory (all the good bits of Glastonbury, without having to put up with the crowds and the nonsense on the pyramid)

However, my youngest daughter has never been and i feel everyone should go at least once, so contemplating going back for the first time in six years - before i have to pay for the little un!
I started to find that, so I started working there, and it became a whole different festival to me, far more fun than just sitting around being a punter all day. Couldn't do that at Glasto again.

Completely agree with this, it made a huge difference for us old Glasto hands, working from 2008 onwards :) :cool:

I wouldn't go so far as to say I could never be a punter again, but the short time spent there Weds to Mon would be a shock compared to the week long extravaganza we able to have now as crew ... :oops:

2007, my last as a punter, was hellish for me, my least favourite Glasto out of 15. Mostly the worst-ever mud**, and persistant rain and cold, but there were actually quite a few other far from good aspects for me in 2007 too ... :hmm:

**Debbie speaks of 1985, her first, being a worse mudbath than 2007, but I avoided that year ...
I know exactly how you feel - i did 20 in a row and towards the end it got quite boring. I have much more fun at the smaller events like boomtown and bearded theory (all the good bits of Glastonbury, without having to put up with the crowds and the nonsense on the pyramid)

However, my youngest daughter has never been and i feel everyone should go at least once, so contemplating going back for the first time in six years - before i have to pay for the little un!

This is a good idea, Glasto is ace for kids anyway, and you know the score and site well enough to avoid the main stages etc as much as you want to. All the Shangri La area stuff that's grown up since you last went will impress you guarenteed. Our mate Martin who first went to Glastonbury in 1978! (when it was an unofficial Travellers gathering :eek: :p ) this year had his mind blown away by sights like Arcadia nightime fireshows and the like. He's resisted the understandable veteran's temptation to get jaded ...
I know exactly how you feel - i did 20 in a row and towards the end it got quite boring. I have much more fun at the smaller events like boomtown and bearded theory (all the good bits of Glastonbury, without having to put up with the crowds and the nonsense on the pyramid)

However, my youngest daughter has never been and i feel everyone should go at least once, so contemplating going back for the first time in six years - before i have to pay for the little un!

Nah, you wanna let her & her mates go when they turn 16....... it will be an eye opener ready for adulthood :D
I had a good time working there this year so I think I'll sign up for that again. Hopefully my partner will join me too; she was massively jealous of the weather this year and didn't really like sitting at home watching it on TV. I'm going to pray for some better shifts though as the tiredness on sunday night/monday morning was really coming through.
Wild horses wouldn't keep me away. Obviously. :)

I spent most of my time the late area this year, and OMG how much fun was that. Never ending new things to find. Even though I was working for Shangri-La I didn't even see all of that, never mind most of Block 9 or anything in the Unfair Ground.

That whole area is now a festival in itself, and with the sad passing of Glade, easily my favourite small festival. A 'festival' where I can pop 'out' and see the odd big act if I can be arsed, or go for a chill up above the park or in tucked away places like Permaculture.

And - I've said this before - it's also the festival industry's 'annual conference', like Edinburgh is for comedy. It's the one time of year when I can catch up with so many festival people. Whether it be fellow lowly workers/punters like meself, or those running stages and the like.

Tell you what though... I think my tent days might be numbered... if I can get an onsite vehicle pass for next year, I might just invest in a campervan. :)
Our mate Martin who first went to Glastonbury in 1978! (when it was an unofficial Travellers gathering :eek: :p ) this year had his mind blown away

A quote from Martin, if I remember rightly: "I went down that Shangri-La... Fucking Amazing".

That made me smile, given how much he's seen of Glastonbury over a thirty year period.
Tell you what though... I think my tent days might be numbered... if I can get an onsite vehicle pass for next year, I might just invest in a campervan. :)

You're not the only one. Campervan, or more likely a caravan... maybe not for next year but it's been in the back of my mind for a while now so perhaps in the foreseeable future.

Were getting the girls registered and hoping for tickets.. now theyre far too old to bluff it out ;)
Hope we can get them

Please harass me into re-doing my registration - so much has gone wrong recently I still havent had the time...
Tell you what though... I think my tent days might be numbered... if I can get an onsite vehicle pass for next year, I might just invest in a campervan. :)

As you know, ultimately this is our ambition too, when affordable ... if you beat us to it we'll be well jealous :hmm: :p

it's also the festival industry's 'annual conference', like Edinburgh is for comedy. It's the one time of year when I can catch up with so many festival people.

That's a great analogy, very true ... :) :cool:
Tell you what though... I think my tent days might be numbered... if I can get an onsite vehicle pass for next year, I might just invest in a campervan. :)

We're looking to upgrade before next summer so our beloved Hilda will be looking for a new home. :)
Glastonbury is totally shite in a van though - the campervan fields are like a quiet suburban street, with curtains twitching all over the shop if you come back after 3am, and of course you have to negotiate the Hill of Death to get there and the gruesome queues and security each time you go in and out.
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