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Gerry Adams exposed , his lies demolished at brothers rape trial

Casually Red

tomorrow belongs to me
This is just sickening, any other political leader in western europe would be finished after this . But not in shitty Ireland were Gerry Adams remains a protected species .
This week his toerag brother Liam was finally sent down for repeatedly raping and abusing his own daughter Aine from the age of 4 until she was almost a teenager. When Aine went public on this a number of years ago Gerry Adams went on a media offensive of his own . The tales he told to the media back then, and which he repeated in court, today stand exposed as complete lies . And he stands exposed as a man who covered for and protected a lowlife pedo rapist for years, even permitting him work with 3 different youth clubs and travel to a Romanian orphanage .

To list the lies he told in public, first he claimed that when Aine and her mother went to him with their story in 1987 Adams claimed he believed them immediately saw to it his brother left Sinn Fein. This was a total lie . Liam Adams remained in high office for Sinn Fein for many years afterwards . He was photographed chairing commemorations, opening offices,attempting to stand as an election candidate and Adams himself was even photographed out canvassing with him in the late 1990s. In fact he was treasurer of Andersonstown Sinn fein right up until Aine went public a few years ago.
It doesnt take much of an imagination to figure out how a child rapist who happened to be the brother of the head man in the provos might be able to influence a young victim and use fear to keep them silent . But Adams made no effort whatsoever to have his pedo brother kicked out .

Lie 2 exposed was Adams claim that he made sure his brother also left the country . This was exposed at the first trial, when the barrister made clear his brother had only left the country for 6 months in 1983, 4 years before Adams was even told of the abuse . Lie.

Lie 3, his claim that he and his brother were estranged . Simply not true . They were photographed happily together on a number of occasions after Adams was told by his victim he was a child rapist . It also emerged at the trial that when Liam Adams moved back to Belfast to take up a job in a youth club he lived in Gerry Adams own house for almost 2 months . And indeed Gerry Adams own autobiography written in 1996, before the dawn, has a special dedication to his brother in the foreword. It also mentions him in a very positive light no less than eleven times throughout his reminiscing .

By the way despite not sending his abused niece so much as a christmas or birthday card in her entire life and never contacting her at all, for some reason known only to Gerry Adams himself he sent this young rape victim the book with the special dedication to her rapist as a present . Unsurprisingly causing her great psychological distress.

Lie 4. He claimed that when he found out his rapist pedo brother was working for no less than 3 different youth clubs over the years he went to them and told them of the allegations against him . Simply not true . Neither the 2 Belfast youth clubs or the one in Dundalk had any record of such an approach ever being made . When the youth clubs contradicted his account pathetically Adams claimed he told one preist at the Clonard Monastery youth club, who is now conveniently dead . So he not only told pathetic lies about this he smeared the memory of a dead preist as well .

Ill write some more on this with some links after .
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oh yeah, it also emerged at the trial to the astonishment of Aine and her mother that not long after Liam Adams left his wife someone reported them to social services after the young Aine had picked up nits at school, as young kids often do . Despite poverty they had a clean and largely happy home once the pedo had benn kicked out of the house by his wife after giving her numerous beatings. But unbeknownst to them, shortly after Liam Adams wife kicked him out of the family home a very nasty minded person who had heard the child caught nits went to social services and reported the young single mother for having a dirty house and unhygenic children . That lowlife snitch as it turned out was none other than Gerry Adams . A man who contacted social services about a few nits but kept completely silent about a child rapist working in 3 youth clubs .
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suzanne breen does a pretty clinical piece here in the Belfast Telegraph. Just for backgrounds sake Breen has been Sinn Feins most hated journalist for many years now due to her annoying habit of pulling the party line to bits, and was even arrested a few years back after Martin McGuinness made an outburst about journalists giving dissident terrorists the oxygen of publicity or something like that . Shes also had a long association with Belfasts rape crisis centre .

flips sake nobodys biting on this one

ive more links and stuff, particularly about the draconian reporting restrictions imposed by the authorities that seem to have been solely for the political benefit of Gerry Adams, as well as his despicable attempts to have his niece assist him in keeping the media out of the court room..for her own good of course, as well as his relationship with the DPP... but i dont want to be doing a thread thats all just posts by me
I don't expect Gerry Adams is an angel, but surely the perpetrator in this case is the key evil one!
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well the child rapist has at long last been sent down . One of the reasons why he didnt go to jail long ago is that despite an admission of guilt to him Gerry Adams protected the pedo and told no one . Not only did this assist a pedo in walking about free it endangered other children the pedo was working with . And Gerry Adams actions caused the rape victim great distress. Sending her that book is an act that could only conceivably cause the victim great distress, and one wonders was it an act of deliberate maliciousness . Just like snitching to the social services because her mum kicked his no good toerag of a brother out of the house after he gave her one beating too many .
I don't expect Gerry Adams is an angel, but surely the perpetrator in this case is the key evil one!

I think the point CR is making is that if the leader of any other parliamentary party in the Western World, lied so consistently about how they handled a situation like this, their career would be finished. But in the fucked up world of Irish politics Adams will live.
One of the many reasons I've loathed the IRA and the "community policing" is that abuses of power and authority like this could occur so easily.

well it was reported to the cops in 87 and they did fuck all about it either, except scare the shite out of the mother and daughter which caused them to withdraw the statement later . Which makes you wonder if that was what they wanted to happen .


remember Gerry Adams didnt inform his own organisation about this either . And in the 1970s Liam Adams was actually kneecapped by the IRA for serious anti social behaviour . Urban legend has it that there were very few volunteering to do the deed as it was well known how malicious the beard could be .
I think the point CR is making is that if the leader of any other parliamentary party in the Western World, lied so consistently about how they handled a situation like this, their career would be finished. But in the fucked up world of Irish politics Adams will live.

Ok. He may have a point then.
well it was reported to the cops in 87 and they did fuck all about it either, except scare the shite out of the mother and daughter which caused them to withdraw the statement later . Which makes you wonder if that was what they wanted to happen .

RUC policing in the 1980s wasn't exactly the most progressive police force in the UK, and particularly on such a sensitive matter, there's no telling how what happened with the original report, whether it was ignored, kicked up the ladder, or tidied away to the security services to keep an eye on the situation as potential blackmail/leverage over Adams and as the peace process kicked into gear it was forgotten about.

Simply put SF have always had a ambiguous definition of what is a criminal or morally reprehensible act, and as you pointed out, being the brother of the head of SF was a powerful way to ensure silence among your victims. if there was any degree of justice in the world Adam's political career should be buried next to where Jean Mc Conville is buried.
I think the point CR is making is that if the leader of any other parliamentary party in the Western World, lied so consistently about how they handled a situation like this, their career would be finished. But in the fucked up world of Irish politics Adams will live.

Enda Kenny and Peter Robinson are staying tight lipped, Kenny in particular calling it a private family matter . The main nationalist newspaper in the north, the Irish News, are treading very lightly on it. Theyd a big headline the other day quoting Adams complaints of there being a lot of misinformation being put about . Any half decent journalist would point out that the source of the misinformation is a lying pedo protecting bastard called gerry adams .

Suzanne Breen seems to be the only journalist going after this with any vigour
RUC policing in the 1980s wasn't exactly the most progressive police force in the UK, and particularly on such a sensitive matter, there's no telling how what happened with the original report, whether it was ignored, kicked up the ladder, or tidied away to the security services to keep an eye on the situation as potential blackmail/leverage over Adams and as the peace process kicked into gear it was forgotten about.


or the matter was simply let drop to protect Adams, just like the bizarre decision in the mid 70s to drop IRA membership charges against him when it was the conveyor belt to the H Blocks for everyone else .
Simply put SF have always had a ambiguous definition of what is a criminal or morally reprehensible act, and as you pointed out, being the brother of the head of SF was a powerful way to ensure silence among your victims. if there was any degree of justice in the world Adam's political career should be buried next to where Jean Mc Conville is buried

with respect raping your six year old daughter was considered pretty reprehensible by the provos . The simple fact is they werent told about it, thanks to Gerry Adams concealing it from them.


sadly anyone even remotely capable of challenging Adams on this within sinn fein either left or was expelled long ago. Despite Adams committing a serious breach of his own partys rules by not reporting a child rapist within the party to the ard comhairle nothing will be done there, therell be no move against him . Not even from those staunch feminists in their womens department, the fucking hypocrites. So hell be fine as long as the establishment continue to feel its in their interests to protect him .
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oh yeah, another lie he told on the youth club business . He claimed that he eventually persuaded his toerag sibling to stop working with kids, and on his instructions the pedo stepped down from the youth club . Turned out at the trial Liam Adams had to stop working altogether due to a medical ailment and fuck all to do with any pressure from the Sinn Fein President .
Should be career ending for any politician really, but then there seems to have been a fair few other politicians happy enough to cover up for / turn a blind eye to other politicians pedo activities, so maybe not.

If any kids come forward from any of those youth centres though with allegations against his brother, that'd surely have to finish him... at least it would if the press did their jobs.
Any chance he'll be done for perjury?


well that would be up to the DPP . And heres the rub . The British government thought it might look bad for Gerry Adams and sinn fein in general if the PSNI were locking up dissident republicans on the direction of a DPP that was led by someone from a unionist or British background . So to compliment sinn feins support for locking up republicans they chose a man with impeccable nationalist credentials , Barra McGrory . His father had reprsented republicans families in many serious cases, such as the shoot to kill incidents and all sorts . Barra McGrory was also Gerry Adams personal solicitor for years. So Id say theres fat chance .
And one reason why its highly unlikely is this.

Liam Adams original trial collapsed due to some legal technicality . Despite that Gerry Adams was ripped to pieces under cross examination and exposed repeatedly as a liar . His evasions were just pathetic . So when the retrial commenced last wekk..lo and behold..he wasnt even called as a witness. Despite his evidence and contradictory statements to the police being crucial to the case. If Gerry Adams had been called again hed either have to admit he lied repeatedly or be exposed as a liar and a perjuror on the stand . So the prosecution...his mate McGrory, simply never put him there . The jury were mystified and made their concerns at his absence known to the judge . The judge just told them to mind their own business .

im also trying to work out the timeline here to figure out was McGrory Adams solicitor when he made those dodgy statments to the police. Because there could be an issue here of not just Adams but his solicitor as well having withheld information about a child rapist . Its a ball of worms.
If the provos had been told liam would not have been long for this world.
Rumour was the royal marines caught a nonce and dropped him off at a republican oub and not a fuck was given that day.
I can imagine the authorities absouletly shitting themselves when being informed of this :eek: Gerry was untouchable and nobody would have wanted to touch this case with a ten foot pole:(. Could easily have been twisted into an anti SF smear.
Lets face it NI was such a cluster fuck the martin and gerry show was seen as the best hope for peace says it all really.
A terrorist who covered up abuse in his own family is seen as a peacemaker.
Northern ireland this isnt just a fuck up this is a british goverment fuck up:(
heres another article from Breen from 3 years ago outlining how the media have been giving Adams a ridiculously easy time on this issue, despite a series of absolute penalty kicks there for the taking .


hes a protected species in more than the legal sense

Worth pointing out here too that just recently the SDLP leader Conall McDevitt announced his immediate resignation without quibble when it emerged some years previous hed accepted some payments he hadnt told the taxman about .
or the matter was simply let drop to protect Adams, just like the bizarre decision in the mid 70s to drop IRA membership charges against him when it was the conveyor belt to the H Blocks for everyone else .

with respect raping your six year old daughter was considered pretty reprehensible by the provos . The simple fact is they werent told about it, thanks to Gerry Adams concealing it from them.


Sorry thats not what I meant. I wasn't trying to suggest that Provo members intimidated his victims and colluded with him. I was trying to say that many pedophiles are capable of cowing their victims with intimidation and threats, and they don't have ties to a paramilitary organisation. One can only imagine the leverage Liam Adams' family and political connections would give him over a terrified child.
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One can only imagine the leverage Liam Adams; family and political connections would give him over a terrified child.

absolutely . And on the issue of leverage theres other issues here . The British security services once they had this knowlege, statement withdrawn or not, had massive leverage over Liam Adams . And Gerry Adams knew this . Yet even basic security concerns didnt prompt him to oust his brother, he kept it quiet from his organisation and left Liam Adams free to move in high circles . And its also an issue that Gerry Adams concealment from his associates of something so controversial the crown forces had a written statement on also compromised himself and gave them leverage over himself. Although my suspicion has long been they didnt need it .

Its also true to say though that other high profile child abusers were protected by elements within the provos, and theres at least 2 others Gerry Adams knew of personally but did nothing about . One of whom, an elected councillor, was convicted recently of an horrific catalogue of abuse
i can understand even a top class child protection copper/team whatever being laughed out the office when first investigation was mooted even if gerry had wanted to do the decent thing it was probably impossible:( Leader of SF cooperate with the ruc not happening.
But you can start sidelining somebody without setting the nutting squad on them although cant really see anybody objecting to that :hmm:
Gerry had links with the british goverment going back at least to the 70s s a whole history of murky shit that why no truth commission is ever going to happen too many people with too many secrets:(
i can understand even a top class child protection copper/team whatever being laughed out the office when first investigation was mooted even if gerry had wanted to do the decent thing it was probably impossible:( Leader of SF cooperate with the ruc not happening.
But you can start sidelining somebody without setting the nutting squad on them although cant really see anybody objecting to that :hmm:
Gerry had links with the british goverment going back at least to the 70s s a whole history of murky shit that why no truth commission is ever going to happen too many people with too many secrets:(
by links with the british govt do you mean being released from internment for talks at cheyne walk?
One of the many reasons I've loathed the IRA and the "community policing" is that abuses of power and authority like this could occur so easily.
yeh they never happen where there's democratic accountability through the ballot box and periodick elections.
Not good when 'higher political considerations' and other power shit get in the way of dealing with sexual abuse or other forms of abuse is it?

Please try really hard to place to one side for a moment personal opinions as to the severity and 'realness' of alleged crimes, and consider that this sort of shit is why some people did not think that fighting the USA and being a target for them was reason enough to give Julian Assange a free pass.
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