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Feliway Feline Facial Pheromone Diffuser


Where's me readers?
Anyone used one of these for cat problems? We had a bit of a situation develop with our two moggies where one was eating all the food, and the other kept stealing her treasured 'baby' mouse toy. This then led to constant aggressive fighting, and one of them having yet ANOTHER bout of cystitis. Instead of taking her to the vets yet again for more anti/bs, I remembered the vet saying last time that a lot of this cat's cystitis episodes may well be caused by stress (no actual blockages, no blood in urine etc), and to consider getting one of these pheromone diffusers.

Well, I was a little sceptical, but bought one last week and my GOD the difference! Total feline harmony, cystitis disappeared within literally a couple of hours, and the affected cat has been utterly blissed out since I plugged the diffuser in! Tother cat is all happy clappy too and peace once again reigns in our house :cool:

Didn't expect it to be this effective, or work this fast!

So anyone else used them? What's been your experience of them, and what have you tried to treat with them?
I've not tried one but our cat has started overgrooming herself and is developing some kind of patchy thing, maybe I'll get one of these to chill her out a bit.
So anyone else used them? What's been your experience of them, and what have you tried to treat with them?

Yes, my beloved late Rachel really felt the benefit. She'd had on OP and was really distressed wearing the 'cone of shame' :)D) and it really calmed her down.
I've not tried one but our cat has started overgrooming herself and is developing some kind of patchy thing, maybe I'll get one of these to chill her out a bit.
Well worth the £14 to trial it out I reckon. I haven't stopped blithering all weekend about how fucking impressed I am. This is something I now going to keep spare refills in for when we go away at weekends, and for whenever the cystitis rears its head again.
Yes, my beloved late Rachel really felt the benefit. She'd had on OP and was really distressed wearing the 'cone of shame' :)D) and it really calmed her down.

:) Amazing aren't they?
sounds like toning mist for cats :hmm: :)

Hehe :D Was funny when I first plugged it in, and the cat with cystitis ran over to it, boshed her nose against it and sucked in a big schnozzle of it, then was sick! Like doing a fucking massive line I think, given the reaction! :D
Definitely brilliant stuff. I used it previously when my cats were stressed about moving and then when we had some trespassers in to the garden and the kitchen.

I might need to get some more actually, as another strange cat has been found in the kitchen a couple of times.
Absolute revelation innit? HUGE change in behaviour and we can't smell a thing! I'm finding it fascinating how completely it has altered them :cool:
We used the spray when our old mog started pissing all over the flat, on the recommendation of some people on this forum. Worked a treat :) The spray's a good one to use if you need to concentrate your efforts on certain areas - in this case the front door which was apparently the frontier in some territorial piss-war :mad:
:( well I used it and it made no difference at all.

I wonder if it didn't work because I had it in the draughty hallway rather than a closed room?

Where/ in which room did you lot have it plugged in?
Had no effect on my cat(s) either so I sent mine to another urb (can't remember who). Now I have another incontinent cat but I suspect that's constipation/age related rather than fury. She seems fairly content

ETA: I mean that I sent the diffuser to an urb. Not the cat.
I used the plugins once - we took on a young adult ex-stud cat and used the plugins for about a week before we got him and a couple of weeks afterwards to smooth over the period of introduction to our existing cats and ease territorial gripes.

I don't know whether it made any difference because it was a one-off situation, but it was a much easier introduction than when our existing 2 met, and he didn't spray which is good for a newly neutered stud in an unfamiliar environment.
Anyone used one of these for cat problems? We had a bit of a situation develop with our two moggies where one was eating all the food, and the other kept stealing her treasured 'baby' mouse toy. This then led to constant aggressive fighting, and one of them having yet ANOTHER bout of cystitis. Instead of taking her to the vets yet again for more anti/bs, I remembered the vet saying last time that a lot of this cat's cystitis episodes may well be caused by stress (no actual blockages, no blood in urine etc), and to consider getting one of these pheromone diffusers.

Well, I was a little sceptical, but bought one last week and my GOD the difference! Total feline harmony, cystitis disappeared within literally a couple of hours, and the affected cat has been utterly blissed out since I plugged the diffuser in! Tother cat is all happy clappy too and peace once again reigns in our house :cool:

Didn't expect it to be this effective, or work this fast!

So anyone else used them? What's been your experience of them, and what have you tried to treat with them?

We use a pheromone spray in the car for the pukey dog, she just curls up and goes to sleep now :cool:
:( well I used it and it made no difference at all.

I wonder if it didn't work because I had it in the draughty hallway rather than a closed room?

Where/ in which room did you lot have it plugged in?
You're meant to put it in the room they use the most. Not under furniture or by draughts - so most of your pheromone stuff is probably being wasted chuck.
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