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Event - The Brixton Bolt - 27th Oct


Hello Urbaners,

I hope it's ok to give a little plug to an event that I am trying to organise in Brixton. It's a 100m race that aims to find out who is the fastest man, woman and kids in town.

There's a website: www.brixtonbolt.com
A Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/BrixtonBolt
And a Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/BrixtonBolt

There is the small issue that I don't have a time or date yet (I'm waiting to here back from Lambeth Traffic Management). I am still trying to get help with regards to using a public road for the final, which I would like to be at the end of October (not too chilly outside then), most likely on a Sunday afternoon. The location I have in mind is Pope Road.

I hope it's something that people (men, women and children, for whom there are a few categories) here can support. I'm already grateful to Ed for letting me use his photos from the main Urban blog.

To clarify - it is being run as a completely not-for-profit event and I am not seeking corporate sponsorship. I want it to be an event that is accessible to everyone and hopefully can benefit the area.

I'm happy to take on feedback and any ideas that can make the event as good and fun as possible.

I love this. It's a great idea.
Can there be a vets category for those of us who, y'know...
Hello Urbaners,

I hope it's ok to give a little plug to an event that I am trying to organise in Brixton. It's a 100m race that aims to find out who is the fastest man, woman and kids in town.


Drew with his free beer token.
I would gladly add a vets category - do you think the interest would be there?

I don't know - it might widen the appeal to a larger crowd. I was thinking something like 35 or 40+. But it may be a bit over complicated and/or unnecessary for a first event.
This community event is not inclusive to people who couldn't run 100m if you paid them! :mad:

I like it. I'll happily come along to ogle and lech watch.
Hi everyone, just to give a quick update. Lambeth Council have been really supportive and helpful, and barring any major disasters, the event will take place on Pope's Road on Saturday 27 October, 11am. We'll be putting a few of our posters (below) around, so keep an eye out for them and more importantly, get training!

A little bump if I may. The Brixton Bolt is happening next Saturday 27 October, and whether you are running to become a Brixton legend or want to be able to say "I attended an athletics closing ceremony in 2012", everyone is encouraged to come and enjoy the day.

We have tried to fulfil our goal of making it a proper community event and one that in turn can do something for local businesses. Their response in offering whatever they can, by way of sponsorship and prizes, has been fantastic. Brixton Market is putting on a special 'Brix Bolt Market' alongside the event, complete with hot punch and Jamaican-inspired food. We will also have medals ceremonies, and to finish, a closing ceremony with a special guest!

The full race schedule will be available at the beginning of next week, so if you are planning to just come and watch a particular race, you will know when to come along. Registration will be open from 10.30am and the event will kick off at 11am.

Hope to see you down there!
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