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EDL watch

Das Uberdog

remembers the alamo
Thought I'd just start a thread to compile all my posts about the EDL, seeing as almost all my recent threads have been related to them. Who knows; if it takes off, it might become a sticky?

I've just heard that the EDL have up-turned a UAF stall in Oldham. No report I've found from UAF yet, but I imagine there'll be some 'Oldham UAF activists saw off the EDL on Sunday' headling coming soon. Anyone heard anything?
are you talking about the one where you fail to understand why supporting EDL demonstrations is idiotic? if so, i'd rather you keep that to PMs unless it specifically comes up. ta.
I don't remember it playing out like that at all.

How I recall it, it was about supporting the Muslim community in opposing both English AND Islamist fascists from a w/c perspective that you couldn't get your head round. Oh well.
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No way did the EDL turn over a UAF stall, what happened was the UAF were campaigning in Oldham and got a fantastic response from locals who queued up ten deep to sign a petition, resulting in the sheer weight of the petitions collapsing the stall.
The EDL's weekend jo9lly nto amsterdam didn't quite go to plan, here it is summed up by indymedia, backed up by the whining on the EDL forums

EDL’s Dutch Courage Runs Out!
Well, what a wash out. After months of trumpeting and blether the English Defence League’s band of hooligans and ‘chav scrotes’ were humiliated in Amsterdam yesterday, attacked by antifascists and Ajax fans and harried by the cops. At least they didn’t have time to fight amongst themselves as they usually do. There is some interesting YouTube footage, involving some shaky camera work, of them running around cluelessly, pursued by Dutch Antifa and plod. At one point there seemed to be more photographers than EDL all believing the hype that this was going to be another Bradford ‘little big one.’ In the end it was ‘the little little one.’ The images show a faintly confused bunch of fat blokes in hoodies wandering about. One of the EDL vans was trashed and there were 34 arrests. They had a little stage and Tommy Robinson AKA Steven Yaxley-Lennon, ex-BNP and jailed for assaulting a copper, gave a ‘rousing speech’ to his mates and then they went home. No surrender? They did. Completely.

According to Hope Not Hate about 60 turned up to ‘support’ Geert Wilders, the anti-Islamic Dutch MP who has publicly distanced himself from the lager swilling, loud mouthed hooligans for obvious reasons. So if that is the case, why did the EDL bother? So they can get their necessary media injection and show their mates in the pub how famous they are. This kind of behaviour shows the EDL as a vanity operation, boosting the egos a of a few nobodies with criminal records.

A poster on the EDL website said a group of EDL turned up on Friday night and the following day were attacked by Ajax fans who told them to go away in no uncertain terms. The EDL are now making threatening noises about revenge should Ajax come to the UK. We shall see … One hapless EDL got battered and ended up with a shattered leg. He had the misfortune to have no travel insurance either and had to travel back to the UK in considerable discomfort. The ‘Malatestas’ have had a whip round and will sending 50p to the EDL as fast as possible. The poster admits that the public were also opposed to the EDL presence – which comes as no surprise. The EDL seriously think that ALL the ‘public’ and ALL football fans have the duty to support them. Well, they don’t: lots of people despise them or are merely bored by their posturing. The Dutch authorities didn’t want them there either and throughout the week the demo was moved about and they ended up with an out of town spot at the Western docks. In his ‘rousing speech’ Yaxley-Lennon criticised the mayor for moving the demo – as if a gang of drunk hooligans with a violent reputation should be welcomed with open arms wherever they go. The Dutch will have seen what the EDL have done in place like Stoke, Bradford and Leicester and have the absolute right to move them wherever they want. Would the EDL like the Ajax fans to demonstrate in the middle of Luton?

A Successful Failure
The Gates of Vienna website has declared the event a success but this is difficult to reconcile with the facts. The EDL had a poor turn out. The local football supporters attacked them. The person who they were ‘supporting’ publicly rejected them. The general public were hostile. The media coverage was negative. And the hope of uniting with other anti-Islamic factions and footie fans did not materialise. Well done. They had difficulties in getting the numbers for various reasons, mainly that the DSS won’t pay for ‘chav scrotes’ to go abroad on a jolly. One poster wrote: ‘I’m going, most people will be meeting round the red light district where the bars are next to the canals. I’m going on my own my mates cant afford it or aren’t allowed by there Mrs.’ Which just about sums them up.

What Price Fame?
What is more alarming than the EDL’s ‘international mobilisation’ is the relationship between Tommy Robinson and Katie Price. There was a picture of them schmoozing widely circulated on the net but now Katie is doing a desperate PR job distancing herself from the EDL. Meanwhile on the EDL web forum there is anti-Katie consternation and it is difficult to tell who is disowning whom. Both seem embarrassed by the turn of events. As they should be.

Anyway …
Despite all the photos of the EDL seig-heiling, and the dual membership of fascist groups by key members – Jeff Marsh, Steven White, Luke Pippin (Combat 18) etc. – they are still going on about being non-racist and this process of denial is sounding politically weak. The next ‘big one’ scheduled is in Preston on 27th November but there could be a few flash’ demos on the way.

NB: Copyright free. Pass it on to anyone who may find it useful. All the Malatesta Articles are available here: http://malatesta32.wordpress.com/2010/08/

Someone has pointed out in the comments section that the phrase "Chav Scrotes" was used by the EDL leadership to describe those who gave the EDL a bad name.
Tommy Robinson is the least scary looking far right leader I've ever seen - looks like some sort of junior estate agent cunt. No wonder he used to wear the balaclava. Even then, any pretense of toughness was done away whenever he opened his mouth and sounded like Kathy Burke playing a teenage boy.
What about the DSS bit?

You have a problem with him suggesting that the DSS doesn't pay enough for people to go abroad? Or that he assumes EDL members that didn't go are on the DSS? Or just the DSS in general being used as a term of abuse?

I'm not sure that it's the latter. Although if it's some uppity middle class guy sneering at the wwc I can see why it's raised your hackles.
You have a problem with him suggesting that the DSS doesn't pay enough for people to go abroad? Or that he assumes EDL members that didn't go are on the DSS? Or just the DSS in general being used as a term of abuse?

I'm not sure that it's the latter. Although if it's some uppity middle class guy sneering at the wwc I can see why it's raised your hackles.

It sounds like sneering to me, and it's all too common amongst some 'anti-fascists'.
Comrade 'Maletasa' clearly hasn't signed on for for quite a while or at all, DSS has long been abandoned by the Dept, its now DWP....

I never mentioned the DSS?

Now being a recipient of £65 quid a week, I can attest that most on benefit, as I also found in the 80's, are above reproach.

Of course, there's alway's the twat in the block, who is rumoured to be a crack addict and tried to scam me for a couple of quid the other day, pretending he was collecting for a cancer charity - fucking scumbag.

Not saying you do, but I don't live in some leafy, middle-class dream world.
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