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Eddie Wicker.

check out matthew collins new book. plenty about eddie 'big face' whicker in there. there is also a classic pic of him with frankie 'even bigger face' portinari.
not sure about Eddie (some have suspicions obviously, as to why he didn't get nicked in the early 90s along with other high profile nationalists / fascists). From the pics above, I'm reminded of how a few of the scouse contingent almost approached him to say 'hi' on a Manchester Martyrs do, as they mistakenly thought he was, well...another 'well known member' on this site and in anti fascist circles!.

As for Frank P, must say, that whilst he remains a nationalist, he seems to have mellowed a little.

He still highlights protests against commemorations from Republican groups opposed to the peace protest, but does attend, loyalist and republican events, through gritted teeth, to stop youngsters from The North from getting involved in paramilitary violence.

His sigs on football threads where I have interacted with him include 'working for peace, but not forgetting the past'
'like Republicans, I have attended too many prison visits and funerals'
we (Ireland and Britain) share a long, troubled, complicated, entwined history.

He doesn't ever give it the 'bigun' over past events (including the Enkell Arms) 'we kept them busy that day'.
Has respect for RA/ AFA..those who've walked the walk. Was definitely buying BTF and apparently writing his own book of events he was involved in, after 'Mr Collins 'sold his soul'.

Seems to not be involved in the EDL marching stuff...did all the parade, marching with the NF decades ago
still looking to support nationalism in more subtle ways; agreed with me ('even the enemies of nationalism' i.e the BTF analysis, says we did far more by the 'putting on suits /knocking on doors approach).
'not sure about Eddie (some have suspicions obviously, as to why he didn't get nicked in the early 90s along with other high profile nationalists / fascists.'
pray tell Mik!
Now this may muddy the waters a litlle...."Hope Not Hate" (who I presume is going to be Nick Lowles) posted a thing recently on Facebook about a Belfast Telegraph piece on past and present link-ups between N Ireland loyalists and mainland "nationalists":

Whicker was born and bred in Forest Gate before moving to south London after prison.

Now in that World of Action C18 Documentary (as cited above through pics), Whicker was filmed on the estate he lived on in South London, which means, if "Hope Not Hate" are correct, that Whicker served time in prison before the gun-running shenanigans as mentioned in "Hate" (and discussed previous to that on the old Red Action forum), though "Hate" (on page 305) does mention Whicker being on remand in Winson Green prison in Birmingham for said gun-running. There's no indication in "Hate" as to whether Collins knew about Whicker being in prison prior to their association. So when did Whicker do prison time, then? This is a question I've put to Hope Not Hate themselves - I'll let you know if I hear anything back from them at all....

...and if he did indeed do prison time, did the authorities "get at" him at some point, leading to his non-prosecution for the above gun-running?

E2A: Just heard back from Hope Not Hate - it appears that Whicker <may> have been imprisoned for armed robbery offences in the early 80's...
Its funny how the UDA accepted him. Considering hes a catholic and of Italian descent (since quite a few italian fash side with the republicans). Odd wee world.
Then you would probably be quite shocked at how many Catholics are involved with loyalist paramilitaries over here, even the LVF.
Then you would probably be quite shocked at how many Catholics are involved with loyalist paramilitaries over here, even the LVF.

I think i'd be fairly shocked at them getting involved with the LVF but not surprised/shocked with the UDA/UVF.
I think i'd be fairly shocked at them getting involved with the LVF but not surprised/shocked with the UDA/UVF.
It seems to be mostly around drugs, but there has been reports of Catholics holding quite high positions within the LVF.
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