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Crisis Midwinter Swim at Brockwell Lido - want to get involved?


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Crisis needs 350 hardy swimmers to take the plunge for the charity’s first annual Midwinter Swim at Brockwell Lido near Brixton in aid of Crisis at Christmas on 15 December.

This unique event is being held in the great British tradition of outdoor swimming and there are three categories to choose from:

•Swimmers who just want to jump in and out
•Swimmers in fancy dress
•Swimmers who want to swim 100m (two lengths)

Participants will receive a safety briefing at 11.45am followed by a group jump-in at midday on Saturday 15 December at Brockwell Lido.

Swimmers will need to bring a swimming costume and a strong constitution (fancy dress is strictly optional). Everyone will receive a free Crisis-branded swimming cap as well as a hot shower, hot drinks and an all day BBQ provided by the Lido café after they take the plunge.

Leslie Morphy, Crisis chief executive, said: “Without the generosity of our dedicated supporters, Crisis at Christmas simply wouldn’t be possible. Every brave soul who takes part in this will be making a real difference to vulnerable Londoners at a time of rising homelessness”.

People can book their place at this unique fundraiser from today (18 October). For more information about the event please contact Becky King in the events team – events@crisis.org.uk
I've done them a little pic.

I've done them a little pic.
I call pixels :hmm:

It's a great idea, but I fear it's one of those things I think "yes, absolutely superb there should be more of this sort of thing!" before thinking about it a bit more and thinking "I'll leave it to someone else to actually do it..." :oops:

I do like the "•Swimmers who just want to jump in and out" category though :D

And I'm still thinking it might be a fun idea... :facepalm: :D
Depends what size you are - I've got a shortie (Lidl cheapie) which you might be able to get into.
cheers! I'm pretty tall though - about 6ft. And not as skinny as I used to be.... :oops: How big is it?

I live the idea of it....but it might be better to stick a £10 in their crisis fund. Mind you, if I was gonna jump in, I'd do the two lengths rather than getting straight out again, you've gotta keep warm!
Body length (rear crotch seam to neck) 77cm approx
Short sleeves and short legs.

*checks label* 177-185 cm height, chest 106-109cm, waist 94-98cm, hips 101-104cm.
Surely the 'jumping in' part is a heart-attack inducing change of temperature? But yeah, once in you'd want to be doing a length to warm up a touch.

A couple of years ago, I spotted this at Tooting Lido. Fuck that.

I'm going to do this if I can - I've done a midwinter dip at the Lido before (though it wasn't the year they had to break the ice first :eek: ).

IIRC there was a note on the safety disclaimer - after the list of signs of hypothermia - about not jumping or diving straight in, and not attempting to swim even short distances unless you were a regular cold water swimmer.

So the 'jumping in and out' will probably be a mass of people easing gently in, splashing around and getting out briskly - not literally jumping in. It's still fun to do & fun to watch, there's a great atmosphere & even just jumping in and out :D gives you a warm glow that lasts all day.
I've done this 3-4 times now. But I only "swim" a width. Always did it without a wetsuit, although I have one.

Not sure I'll do it this year. :D
You really have to know your heart is strong enough for this kind of thing. Not for the faint hearted. If you did it everyday you're body would get used to it of course.
sounds like fun. do you have to raise a set amount or anything? I was in the lido a couple of weeks ago and I forgot to wear a cap. My head got really cold and I felt woozy after a bit. Invigorating though. And oddly clean, considering it's open to the air.
Body length (rear crotch seam to neck) 77cm approx
Short sleeves and short legs.

*checks label* 177-185 cm height, chest 106-109cm, waist 94-98cm, hips 101-104cm.
well sounds like i might be able to squeeze into it but tbh I think I'll be sticking a tenner in the charity box and watching from the sidelines with a warm rum :D
well sounds like i might be able to squeeze into it but tbh I think I'll be sticking a tenner in the charity box and watching from the sidelines with a warm rum :D
Fair enough - there's no way I'd do it this year.
sounds like fun. do you have to raise a set amount or anything? I was in the lido a couple of weeks ago and I forgot to wear a cap. My head got really cold and I felt woozy after a bit. Invigorating though. And oddly clean, considering it's open to the air.

Hi - we ask that you make a donation to take part - you can do so here: www.crisis.org.uk/swim.
You'll get a special swimming hat if you take part too so hopefully no chilly heads!
Hope to see you there...
So the 'jumping in and out' will probably be a mass of people easing gently in, splashing around and getting out briskly - not literally jumping in. It's still fun to do & fun to watch, there's a great atmosphere & even just jumping in and out :D gives you a warm glow that lasts all day.
It isn't possible to "ease gently in" legs go in fine, tush also but then you get to the area under your arms and then there is just no easing gently in ... either you go - or you don't go !! :)
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