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Coldharbour Lane: hefty 7 storey building proposed


I can't get any pictures or drawings of this proposed development thanks to Lambeth's FUCKING SHIT online planning database, but if anyone could find out more I'd be grateful.

It's at 360-366 Coldharbour Lane and will be seven stories at the back and five stories facing the street.

Planning Ref number: 09/01222/FUL

I got the letter today and it says that comments must be received by 19th Oct. That seems remarkably short, no?
I can't get any pictures or drawings of this proposed development thanks to Lambeth's FUCKING SHIT online planning database, but if anyone could find out more I'd be grateful.

It's at 360-366 Coldharbour Lane and will be seven stories at the back and five stories facing the street.

Planning Ref number: 09/01222/FUL

I got the letter today and it says that comments must be received by 19th Oct. That seems remarkably short, no?

Sounds about standard if a little short (might have been held up by the postal strike). They often allow you to reply a little after the deadline.

I had a look and the site is being shite as per but they should have the plans in the library.
Is this the development to which you refer?


It looks like an old version of the application - but very similar to what you're talking about.
Those buildings already have gone up!

Hang on - the proposed development is described as "retention and completion of". What does that mean? Are they asking to keep the thing they've already built?

I remember some rumours that the buildings that went up were different to the original planning application that was approved. Is this an attempt at retrospective planing permission?
Those buildings already have gone up!

Hang on - the proposed development is described as "retention and completion of". What does that mean? Are they asking to keep the thing they've already built?

I remember some rumours that the buildings that went up were different to the original planning application that was approved. Is this an attempt at retrospective planing permission?

I think that planning permission usually only lasts a couple of years so it could be that whoever has taken over that building needs to get permission in place so they can finish it.
I think that planning permission usually only lasts a couple of years so it could be that whoever has taken over that building needs to get permission in place so they can finish it.
exactly this
That makes sense - they've taken a very long time over building this.

I can't see how the decision could possibly be reversed now seeing as they've already started renting out flats, so it seems a totally pointless exercise.
That makes sense - they've taken a very long time over building this.

I can't see how the decision could possibly be reversed now seeing as they've already started renting out flats, so it seems a totally pointless exercise.

I guess there might be a possibility that the building doesn't fulfil the previous planning permission but I would have thought it was highly unlikely tbh.
As I understand it the people who started those flats went bust and it took a long while to find someone to step in and finish. Perhaps that's why there's new planning permission having to be sorted.
it's taken absolutely years for this development to get sorted. it must be at least 10 years since it was begun/first mooted. a great space in the middle of Brixton doing absolutely nothing for a whole decade.

planning permission was refused previously IIRC because the developer said they couldn't afford to provide 50% 'affordable' housing in the development (as required by planning laws brought in by mayor Ken) and because various other design things weren't right.
Those buildings already have gone up!

Hang on - the proposed development is described as "retention and completion of". What does that mean? Are they asking to keep the thing they've already built?

I remember some rumours that the buildings that went up were different to the original planning application that was approved. Is this an attempt at retrospective planing permission?

The original developer decided to stick two fingers up at the planners and build an extra storey.

He went bust or decided to offload the unfinished building.

The new developer took over a half completed building that didnt follow the planning agreement. He took down the offending extra storey.

All in all its a complete fuck up of CHL.

Who to blame. In this case greedy capitalist developers who want to build cheaply.Then sell at a high price and fuck off somewhere else to make a profit. Leaving those who live in the area with poorly designed and constructed buildings.

At one point a Housing Association looked at the unfinished building after the first developer went. I was told the building quality is poor.

Wealthy developers dont care and its hard for planners to keep up with there little games.

I havent looked at this yet. As the Ed says Lambeths website leaves something to be desired. It could be part retrospective as the new owner would have needed to clarify planning status with Lambeth.

The other alternative would have been to knock it down and start again. Which as it is poor build quality and in design terms shite imo would have been a serious option. Which I think is worth putting into objections to it.

Seriously I know its drastic. But if this kind of building is allowed to stay its a precedent for further developers.
I attended the site visit (planning committee Cllrs attended) to 360-366 Coldharbour lane on Saturday morning. As I will not be able to attend the Planning committee Cllr Toren Smith suggested I email comments. As I has already put comments in (after looking at the plans) I was invited to the site visit.

The proposed improvements to the frontage of Coldharbour lane are IMO minimal with the use of greenery to hide the bland frontage.The windowframes and entrance door (fitted by previous developer) look cheap. It does not relate to the existing architectural heritage nor does it provide a striking new addition to Brixton. Like the new school nearby. Under the Brixton masterplan this area is one of the "Gateways" into Brixton. The masterplan suggests that the Barrier Block be remodelled to provide a more attractive frontage.

In light of this I would like the present developer be told to go back and produce new plans for frontage including front courtyard. It must be possible to design more radical improvements. I suggest the developer gets an architect to put forward several proposals for planning consideration.

The new plans for the frontage should include the commercial units on ground level which are presently blank. As the officers report says otherwise there is an issue with signage etc put in place afterwards when the units are let.
Despite the number of units being increased from 60 to 63 the affordable units are being reduced from 21 to 19. I see no justification for the reduction in affordable units other than the convenience of the developer. 19 units will fit into one block keeping them separate from the rest of the flats.

As the officer states the affordable housing element is not in accordance with Policy 16 (page 153). The units are all "intermediate housing" to be managed by owner at 80% of market value. The fact that there is other social housing in area is beside the point (7.1.6 page 153). Each large private development imo should have the required affordable housing element. Also does the officer know the number of units in the Barrier Block sold under right to buy? Seems to me an assumption is being made in the officers report.

I also take issue with the Toolkit formula used by Knight Frank. To up the value of the affordable element they dropped the Toolkit formula (£ 1 881 000) and replaced it with (only for this calculation) with the Pamvin Plus one that ups the value to £2 040 000. This seems purely to up the value of the affordable housing element for the interest of the present owner.

The developer has a potentially valuable site when the recession ends to which they are retaining the freehold. IMO this is an investment property for the owner. Despite arguing that there is a "financial deficit" I think the future profitability of the site be taken into consideration due to the fact that the owner is retaining the freehold.

The sorry saga of this development is noted in the officers report. In hindsight it would have been better for officers to have halted all works and ordered the building to be demolished and started again when it was first realised that the original developer was building to poor standards (as noted in officers report none of the flats meet HCA minimum standards for affordable housing) and not according to the plans.
Thanks for the update. Interesting stuff.

How can they get away with this?

In terms of physical appearance both buildings are approximately half a storey higher
than permitted. They have the same amount of floors but the ground level is higher
than in the permitted scheme and the floor to ceiling heights of the ground floor
commercial units are greater than permitted
Thanks for the update. Interesting stuff.

How can they get away with this?

Because, bizarrely, what eventually got built is less ugly than the scheme that had planning permission. IIRC that had nasty squat proportions and a really clunky roof.

I'm assuming that whoever took over the scheme when the original developer went bust has made some hasty changes to the upper floors to smooth it through the planning process:confused:
Thats correct LR. The new developers, to be fair, have made an effort to work with officers. For example removing the extra storey built without plannng permission and putting in measures to make the building more energy efficient.
The place still isn't finished.


I'm surprised they don't make a deal just to get them filled up. That said as soon as they install the frontage then business rates have to be paid. More nail bars and chicken shops needed!
That looks like retail units waiting to be fitted out?
No - I think Mr Knight is recreating the ambience of what the building replaces - a scrap yard containing an army tank - surmounted by a uniformed policeman (in effigy), holding a large pig's paw doing 2 fingers at Lambeth Council.
He obviously is showing appreciation for our Leveller roots!

Ed - don't mean to be rude, but can I nick your picture of Brixton Sq for my BS article?
And can you tell me how to shrink the pics and situate them correctly on a WordPress blog?
That site is hell to use, compared to this one, and the BS people, whilst being excellent cooks and conversationalists lack the full technical support an idiot like me requires.
I can think of a couple of our retired members (early retirees of course) who might makes a better fist of a running a Supper Club over at the Angel though.
P.S. The Paulet Arms is also a Lexadon-owned former pub. (pic above) I spoke to someone outside there yesterday - said it was a temporary "work studio" in the old ground floor premises. Another one bites the dust!
I'm surprised they don't make a deal just to get them filled up. That said as soon as they install the frontage then business rates have to be paid. More nail bars and chicken shops needed!
Nail bars are soooooo 2009.
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