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Cocktails that Chris Morris and Nathan Barley would approve of:


Well Mexico.


£8 from a cocktail bar in a former underground toilet in Kentish Town.


£12 Airmail cocktail


£9.50 for a Sumac My Bitch Up. Yes, really.


I prefer these:


I don't have a problem with cocktails, but this new obsession with serving them in ever stranger glass substitutes needs nuking from orbit.


These are all you need.

maybe its like this trend for chips in a little tin bucket and food served on a slab of wood? I've not seen those things in situ but the pictures are on the internets. In some ways I applaud the willy wonkaish nature of it all but the fry up served on a shovel was step too far.
maybe its like this trend for chips in a little tin bucket and food served on a slab of wood? I've not seen those things in situ but the pictures are on the internets. In some ways I applaud the willy wonkaish nature of it all but the fry up served on a shovel was step too far.

^ was going to post exactly this point. there needs to be a drinks-based equivalent of the terrific @WeWantPlates campaign/handle on Twitter. (btw, if you want stuff to sneer at, little tin buckets and slates are SO OVER, food service is all about miniaturised wheelbarrows now....)
maybe its like this trend for chips in a little tin bucket and food served on a slab of wood? I've not seen those things in situ but the pictures are on the internets. In some ways I applaud the willy wonkaish nature of it all but the fry up served on a shovel was step too far.
Yeah, got my tea out last night. Dirt cheap but I guess the wooden chopping board it was served on helped distinguish it from all the other cheap places opposite the university.
How about a cocktail that comes with its own toy plane and polaroid, served in a bar overlooking a council estate in one of London's most deprived wards? How wacky is that?!


Or maybe one with that comes with a bit of gun powder and a toy soldier? Or a burning tankard?


Totes amazeballs!
Only brown ale and plain crisps for you lot, no experimentation or playful presentation. The line must be held.

(sumac my bitch up is a bit :facepalm:, granted)

Look at the receptacles in the first post. They will be horrible to drink out of. The big fat lip on that jar thing and the metallic taste of an old custard can.
I don't think they're very good attempts at playful presentation. Maybe something that took a bit more thought than "We'll stick it in an empty jar/can/random cupboard relic" would be interesting. This sort of rubbish is so commonplace in hipster bars that it's a cliché rather than experimentation.
Look at the receptacles in the first post. They will be horrible to drink out of. The big fat lip on that jar thing and the metallic taste of an old custard can.
I don't think they're very good attempts at playful presentation. Maybe something that took a bit more thought than "We'll stick it in an empty jar/can/random cupboard relic" would be interesting. This sort of rubbish is so commonplace in hipster bars that it's a cliché rather than experimentation.
They'll almost certainly be served with a straw, but straws can look a bit ungainly, so are often left out of product photography.

Ah, fuckit. Some people don't like cocktails that much. Or fancy meals. They spend their money on different stuff instead. I'd rather go for cocktails a few times a year, than the pub a few times a week. However, I don't think it'd be edifying to sneer at the frequent pubgoers and their - I suppose - predictable drinks served with identikit presentation. I also don't see I would give a shit.

The sneery tone on urban sometimes, is really pretty smug and conservative.
Look at the receptacles in the first post. They will be horrible to drink out of. The big fat lip on that jar thing and the metallic taste of an old custard can.
I don't think they're very good attempts at playful presentation. Maybe something that took a bit more thought than "We'll stick it in an empty jar/can/random cupboard relic" would be interesting. This sort of rubbish is so commonplace in hipster bars that it's a cliché rather than experimentation.

It's not as if you need a poncey cocktail to get properly wrecked anyway. As I proved on many occasions with my infamous 'JagerBeam.'
It's the idea that three quarters of the price of the cocktail is accounted for by presentation dreamt up by someone who is either a bit of a twat or ironically acting the part or a twat (which is even worse in some ways, people who are in denial about their presence in the twatosphere).

Nothing wrong with a cocktail but justifying exorbitant prices with subbuteo pieces or paper hats is a load of shite - generally for people who either don't live in big cities or have recently moved to one and are still enjoying the novelty of "cosmopolitanism" a la consumer
I'd try a Jagerbeam! I normally serve up my own patented :hmm: Brandybombs when we hit the stupid part of the evening. Double Brandy and Red Bull - down in one. You wont drink more than three. :)
They'll almost certainly be served with a straw, but straws can look a bit ungainly, so are often left out of product photography.

Ah, fuckit. Some people don't like cocktails that much. Or fancy meals. They spend their money on different stuff instead. I'd rather go for cocktails a few times a year, than the pub a few times a week. However, I don't think it'd be edifying to sneer at the frequent pubgoers and their - I suppose - predictable drinks served with identikit presentation. I also don't see I would give a shit.

The sneery tone on urban sometimes, is really pretty smug and conservative.

I like cocktails.
Ah, fuckit. Some people don't like cocktails that much. Or fancy meals. They spend their money on different stuff instead.

Of course everyone can afford stuff like this, it just amuses some people to pretend otherwise.

Or maybe selling selfconsciously wacky designer twat refreshments at £10 a throw in very deprived parts of the country is a cunt's trick, especially when you're not paying your staff enough to make their rent never mind actually drink the drinks they sell all day.
maybe its like this trend for chips in a little tin bucket and food served on a slab of wood? I've not seen those things in situ but the pictures are on the internets. In some ways I applaud the willy wonkaish nature of it all but the fry up served on a shovel was step too far.

Fries in a Billy Can steaks on a platter. I quite like the latter, keeps stuff hot.

Cocktails, unless mixing your own, are rubbish. Too much fruit juice.
Anyone who drinks anything other than petrol is bourgeois metropolitan scum.

Even then, unless you're siphoning it straight from your truck with a length of hose you're a pretentious wanker.

And don't even get me started on 'unleaded', you bunch of fairies :mad:
Innit. Apparently, I'm not working class enough because I eschew Mother's Pride
and like to spend an extra hard earned dollar or two on nice bread. What a class
traitor for not liking shit food.
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