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Canterbury Arms, Brixton to be turned into flats - planning application

Here's the outline of the application:
Application for a certificate of lawfulness (Proposed) with respect to the change of use of the ground floor public house (Use Class A4) to Retail (Use Class A1) / Financial and Professional Services (Use Class A2) / Restaurants and Cafes (Use Class A3).
They'll sell it to developers/Lambeth Council I reckon. It's right in the middle of the bit they want to redevelop - International House, the ice rink/car park etc.
i think I'm thinking of the wrong pub. there is one opposite the lambeth building near brixton police station. swear it was a pink external coloured wall pub. maybe not.
that would be a fucking tragedy. i love that place. properly old school, complete with the grumpiest landlord on earth. i assumed the family owned it? he certainly runs it like his personal fiefdom...
Who owns the Ice rink?

It was supposed to be turned back into a car park - but I can't see it happening. The land is too valuable. Especially now they can't build on the Rec. So I think it will be a massive development of flats/shops/offices - I'll eat my hat if it isn't. (Possibly with a small amount of parking attached.)
Shit :( I'd seen the change of use had been approved but was hoping it was just speculative :( Another pub bites the dust :mad:
So on the 'definitely going sometime' list we have the Canterbury and the Grosvenor, and then there's that question mark hanging over the Windmill. It really sucks. :(

Blimey. 40 units is no small scheme. I expect 5 maybe 6 stories of apartments on top of mixed-use ground floor. Possibly taller, if they keep to the existing building line (ie. not building on the front garden, which would probably be allowable, given the standalone nature of the site.)
More 'executive style apartments' ffs?
Those words in quotes are not in the press release. These are just apartments. London needs as many as can be built. But not at the expense of pubs :(
Yeah, it's very common for these "consultations" to be handled at arms length via a PR firm.
Blimey. 40 units is no small scheme. I expect 5 maybe 6 stories of apartments on top of mixed-use ground floor. Possibly taller, if they keep to the existing building line (ie. not building on the front garden, which would probably be allowable, given the standalone nature of the site.)
The press release noticeably adds that the development will stand "opposite the Council’s 11-storey International House. " I'm thinking the number of storeys wasn't slipped in there by accident.
The press release noticeably adds that the development will stand "opposite the Council’s 11-storey International House. " I'm thinking the number of storeys wasn't slipped in there by accident.
Yep. However, it is not an inappropriate site for a taller building, IMO. The mansion blocks the other side of International House are 5 stories, and the Rec is even taller.

I predict a residential conversion for International House btw.
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