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Bye bye Country Show (picnic on July 22nd?)


Cooperative council-my arse.
Just been told that Lambeth staff were told this afternoon that the Country Show isn't happening this year, nothing to do with cost saving though, it's because of the Olympics.

Of course the Olympics coming this year has been a surprise to everyone so I assume they couldn't re-schedule it.

WTF differences does the Olympics make?!!

How many South Londoners managed to nab Olympic tickets?
Maybe they think the tubes will be too full? :hmm:

Maybe they think everyone will be watching the Olympics? Not everyone likes sports you know Lambeth Council

Maybe they think this recession is going to bite so hard, nobody will be able to afford the Chucklehead Cider? :hmm:
They aren't alone - Lewisham have said they won't be doing their 'Peoples Day' thing this year, due to some tenuous reason to do with the olympics
Maybe Chucklehead and the pig trials have snubbed the country show for more lucrative Olympics concessions? :hmm:
I reckon it's all the more reason to put the Country Show on. Tourists coming over aren't going to be spending every single day of their holidays in the East End. They'll want some free sightseeing to do, and what better way to do it than from local parks, having free festivals, with fine views over London to boot
I reckon it's all the more reason to put the Country Show on. Tourists coming over aren't going to be spending every single day of their holidays in the East End. They'll want some free sightseeing to do, and what better way to do it than from local parks, having free festivals, with fine views over London to boot

Well they'll probably visit the Tower of london and that but yeah, local cultural colour would be a good thing to see instead of the usual.
Well they'll probably visit the Tower of london and that but yeah, local cultural colour would be a good thing to see instead of the usual.

True, for the Americans and Japanese and the like, but there will be poorer nations with maybe not as much spending money, and as Brixton is now on the tourist trail (apparently), it would be good to have something other than Brixton Village to visit
I have heard that one of the reasons other events have been cancelled is because they won't have enough portaloos and crash barriers to cover the Olympics and anything else, anywhere.

No idea where this story came from.
I reckon it's all the more reason to put the Country Show on. Tourists coming over aren't going to be spending every single day of their holidays in the East End. They'll want some free sightseeing to do, and what better way to do it than from local parks, having free festivals, with fine views over London to boot
Quite. This is taking the piss.
Country Show is normally July and the Olympics is mid-August I think so the other way around.

Just sounds like a bullshit excuse to me tbh.

Oh yeah, Country Show is mid-July and Olympics starts end of July. Maybe they think everyone's saving their Chucklehead Cider money for the Olympics that they never managed to get tickets for then
and think of all those poor tourists who might be missing out on a chance to get pissed on Chucklehead Cider or listen to some good local ska/reggae bands

Poor tourists :(
Whereas this post suggests it might be still on (but maybe that was before a budget decision): Can't we hold our own? Big Society bollocks and all that? There's lots of cash / grants around for 'jubilee' parties, etc.


For your information, the provisional dates for Lambeth Country Show this year are 21st & 22nd of July.
At this point the budget for the event has not been approved or declared yet and we will announce the outcome to all our Lambeth Country Show contacts in due course.
We are sorry that we’re unable to provide you with any further information at this stage.
Whereas this post suggests it's still on:


For your information, the provisional dates for Lambeth Country Show this year are 21st & 22nd of July.
At this point the budget for the event has not been approved or declared yet and we will announce the outcome to all our Lambeth Country Show contacts in due course.
We are sorry that we’re unable to provide you with any further information at this stage.

I don't like that sentence

FFS does the Olympics have Pig Obedience? Does it fuck as like :mad:

Maybe all our police will be practising crowd control for the Olympics so will be too busy to police the funfair?

Oh, are you talking about a different type of pig? :oops:
I will be really really disappointed if this doesn't go ahead. It's such a great event - really has been one of the highlights of our year. So much rubbish local news recently - it's very very depressing.
I really hope this isn't the case. I LOVE the Country Show. It's an absolute highlight of my year.

Mind you, if it is cancelled, maybe we could put on a mini one of our own? We've already got the alternative vegetable animals competition, and the No Frills Band playing.


I really hope this isn't the case. I LOVE the Country Show. It's an absolute highlight of my year.

Mind you, if it is cancelled, maybe we could put on a mini one of our own? We've already got the alternative vegetable animals competition, and the No Frills Band playing.

Where? and who will police it?
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