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Brixton Splash 2016 cancelled over complaints and safety concerns

The splash website still shows a countdown, and their latest tweets are to invite people to tender for the security contract for this year. I loved Splash and I'm sad.
Has this basically happened because Lambeth can't afford the police & cleanup bill ?
I've loved Brixton Splash in the past, but last year's was a bit OTT. I wandered down for a short while but couldn't actually get anywhere, see anything or meet up with anyone. It was way beyond crowded. Shame as it's been great before - fingers crossed for 2017.
The splash website still shows a countdown, and their latest tweets are to invite people to tender for the security contract for this year. I loved Splash and I'm sad.
Has this basically happened because Lambeth can't afford the police & cleanup bill ?
That and a number of factors I expect, including organisational problems, more and more people from outside Brixton coming in, horribly congested streets (I got quite concerned for my safety at one point on Atlantic Road) and of course a shitload more complaints.
I've loved Brixton Splash in the past, but last year's was a bit OTT. I wandered down for a short while but couldn't actually get anywhere, see anything or meet up with anyone. It was way beyond crowded. Shame as it's been great before - fingers crossed for 2017.
I don't think it will be coming back. Brixton's changed.
I've loved Brixton Splash in the past, but last year's was a bit OTT. I wandered down for a short while but couldn't actually get anywhere, see anything or meet up with anyone. It was way beyond crowded. Shame as it's been great before - fingers crossed for 2017.

Yep I agree, it was too much. Get there really early and leave when you realise that you're trying to dance in a 2ft space is my modus operandi.
Residents living there don't really have much choice do they?

I'd put up with it for a day, but for some it might be quite a disruption.
The party always ends up outside my block and is loud and goes on till late, but I'd never dream of complaining. It's only one day, after all.
That's all very well but some residents may have an 5am start for work the next day so (one day or not) it could impact on people's life.
If you was aged or a wheelchair user, or someone with particular forms of mental health issue it might be quite an onslaught.....especially the past two years when some of those streets were completely blocked...

....I'm used to be stuck in big crowds at events, and I've found splash a struggle at times.
That's all very well but some residents may have an 5am start for work the next day so (one day or not) it could impact on people's life.
Yes. But it's just one day in a whole chuffing year! And Brixton has - or at least used to have - a more relaxed atmosphere about such things.
Yes. But it's just one day in a whole chuffing year! And Brixton has - or at least used to have - a more relaxed atmosphere about such things.
I go to splash but certainly wouldn't be happy if it kept me or my family awake, one night or not. That's just my opinion as one Brixton resident I don't speak for anyone else.
Crikey, you curmudgeonly twits.
Splash itself never went on past dark. I seriously doubt that the reason its been stopped is because of concern for local residents getting a good nights sleep. The street party later outside the domino is another thing entirely..
I go to splash but certainly wouldn't be happy if it kept me or my family awake, one night or not. That's just my opinion as one Brixton resident I don't speak for anyone else.
Splash usually ends up outside my front door, but it's always been over long before night time.
BS is certainly not suitable for children, older people or anybody with a physical challenge. Really it's just for able-bodied young people, who are unconcerned about maturity-onset hearing loss. Not that there is anything inherently wrong with that. But… the centre of Brixton is actually pretty constricted, with a convoluted street plan, and is not the sort of place that can readily accommodate tens of thousands of people. If there was some sort of violent incident that triggered a crowd stampede, I'm pretty sure that people would be trampled. On a separate point, BS 2015 wasn't very interesting either. The food was samey, the music likewise. People were pissing, littering and occasionally puking everywhere. Having read the LBoL review, it seems that the organisers of BS are just not up to the task, and may even resent co-opeating with the various authorities/agencies, who while they may be buzz-killing bureaucrats, man, want to make sure the that people are safe.
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BS is certainly not suitable for children, older people or anybody with a physical challenge. Really it's just for able-bodied young people, who are unconcerned about maturity-onset hearing loss.
As wild, sloppy generalisations go, that's pretty much top drawer stuff. Splash can be many different things to different people. Not everywhere is loud neither is it only suitable for "able-bodied young people". People of all ages can enjoy the event.





That's all very well but some residents may have an 5am start for work the next day so (one day or not) it could impact on people's life.
No, I said the (unofficial) after party outside my block goes on late and I'm never going to begrudge the community getting together for one night in a whole year.
you actually said 'the party', how was I to know that you meant 'after party' this looks like one of those U75 conversation that's not going anywhere as you've got your particular view and see anyone else's comments as against you.
I did actually live in the centre of where Splash happened.

It was one day a year.

The same criticisms of Splash are the same ones directed at the Notting Hill Carnival. There are moves to make it NNC take place elsewhere in a cordoned off environment rather than a street festival.

What I am concerned about is move toward sanitised public events.

For all its faults on balance I support Splash.

I didn’t like all the Jasper bollox and the stuff about it it being inclusive. Even Afro Carribean people I know got annoyed that its in there eyes for "Jamaicians". As though every one of Afro Carribean descent in Brixton is from Jamaica.

I do understand that not everyone who lives in central Brixton was happy at all aspects. We used to have non Splash stalls just pitching up outside our building ( not on the public pavement) , making a mess and having a bad attitude when approached. Not respectful of existing residents.
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