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Brixton Retro and vintage market

so, ive read about this - thinking of maybe looking at a stall for my soviet & cuban agitprop posters - info seems hard to find - anyone up to date on this ?

C&P'd from elsewhere: Station Road

Brixton Friday food market starts Nov 4th.
Brixton Flea market will be on the 1st saturday of each month starts Nov 5th.
Brixton Vintage & Retro market on the 3rd saturday of each month starts Nov 19th.
Some photos from Saturday's market:



More pics: http://www.urban75.org/blog/brixton...ew-market-on-the-third-saturday-of-the-month/
Aye. Comedy re-branding of the jumble sale :)
When I originally posted that I think there was a bun fight going on on another thread soemthing along the lines of:
working class = jumble sale
middle class = bric a brac
posh cla'am/trendy shoreditch = flea market

...or something!

For what it's worth I'm pleased there's more variety in the market nowadays. A few years ago the Brixton Station Road bit was dying on its arse but the farmers market seems to have encouraged more people back to explore that bit of the market and there seems to be more food places etc on other days of the week. I guess they're trying to go a bit "Greenwich" with this market but good luck to them and I hope people turn up to actually buy stuff from the local traders rather than wondering around taking pics then popping in to starbucks for a coffee.
Jeez - I am just thinking of how much I could have made from the crap I threw in the skip when my father died.
I guess they're trying to go a bit "Greenwich" with this market but good luck to them and I hope people turn up to actually buy stuff from the local traders rather than wondering around taking pics then popping in to starbucks for a coffee.
From what I've heard, most of the traders are making a few bob. I've no complaints about the market: there's been fuck all there for ages and anything that keeps the markets alive - in any shape or form - has to be good for Brixton.
Has anyone traded or visited the new Friday Food Market? Any good?
Great pics again, ed, cheers. There's another market today, showcasing local businesses. Personally, I need a rest, so not having a stall, but will go along to support.
What in the name of God has happened to Brixton?! Have just suffered 'new' vintage based anaphylactic shock.
There were craft fairs at both dogstar and living today too!

I bought a card with a pigeon wearing a top hat and monacle on it.
i liked the dogstar fair a lot but it was a bit pricey, we did end up getting some really pretty bits for family and friends :).

I've been to the one at living bit i don't think it's as good in terms of the stuff on offer but the prices did seem to be a bit better than crafty fox
I did ask the price of an owl hat at dogstar, she said 20 but willing to negotiate. I've done all my shopping for xmas though so wasn't looking to spend that sort of money on what would be an extra gift. Nice though.
Just listen out for the sound of opportunistic kerching.
Would you prefer that the Brixton Station Road market just fades from memory then?

It's run by the Market Traders Association and they've worked hard to provide an opportunity for small local traders to have a place to sell their goods. What do you suggest should happen?
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