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Brixton Rec - demolition proposed by council

Wondered whether many people had heard that the Council are considering pulling down the Brixton Rec. I spoke to members of the staff there and they knew nothing about it until the story appeared in the Brixton Bugle on Friday 28th September. "Residents had until Monday September 24 to comment on the plans on a shared online document and in workshops, though the council has been criticised for failing to publicise meetings adequately." Nobody I have spoken to was aware of the plans or the deadline! Here is a link for further information www.brixtonblog.com/brixton-recreation-centre-could-be-demolished-under-council-plans/7041
indigolove, welcome, you have just been busted on your first post my our resident Pogo-Police enforcement officer, this is commonly known as having being 'pogoed'.
thanks for posting it up though indigolove - a few of us commented on the original consultation document and are following progress - but the more awareness the better afaic!
I kinda think this deserves it's own thread. I know that there are a couple of threads discussing Brixton in general where this has come up, but the Rec is a pretty big deal to a lot of people.

I agree... maybe if we ask a mod - this thread here could be moved to the Brixton Forum and the posts from the other threads (in particular Gramsci's) could be commuted across?
thanks for posting it up though indigolove - a few of us commented on the original consultation document and are following progress - but the more awareness the better afaic!
Thank you this is the most helpful reply - i should like to hear how matters develop and get actively involved when the time is right
I agree... maybe if we ask a mod - this thread here could be moved to the Brixton Forum and the posts from the other threads (in particular Gramsci's) could be commuted across?
I don't think we can move individual posts from thread to thread but I can move then to a new forum and then perhaps merge with this thread. If someone could post up the URLs of the other posts I'll have a bash later.
The council would like to demolish the Rec so they can build new retail units and private accommodation on the site in order to make some cash. The ideas were outlined in the draft Supplementary Planning Document which was open for comment until last week. There will be a formal consultation of residents later in the Autumn/winter.

The Rec isn't perfect, but it's there and it works. Building a new one would takes years and cost £millions. The council claim the building is not fit for purpose. They also claim (based on dodgy 'informal consultation' - i.e. probably just the comments of a few people) that the entry ramp is dark and unwelcoming and that this in itself is a reason for getting rid and rebuilding.

More details of the wider plans are here on the "Future Brixton" page

If you want to retain the Rec as it is, look out for the consultation later in the Autumn/winter and make sure you respond to it.
The Rec isn't perfect, but it's there and it works. Building a new one would takes years and cost £millions. The council claim the building is not fit for purpose. They also claim (based on dodgy 'informal consultation' - i.e. probably just the comments of a few people) that the entry ramp is dark and unwelcoming and that this in itself is a reason for getting rid and rebuilding.

This seems to be the comment of one person.... :confused: I went up Friday and all the lights are working on the ramp. They could just whitewash it if they need it brighter - or do some more mural work.
This seems to be the comment of one person.... :confused: I went up Friday and all the lights are working on the ramp. They could just whitewash it if they need it brighter - or do some more mural work.
Exactly - as someone said on the other thread, it would be better to spend a few £thousands on improving the entrance, rather than using that as a justification to knock the whole place down and start again. But LBL seem to want to become property developers and sell off most of central Brixton....
can someone tell me what is likely to be the most expedient, effective & legal thing to do in opposition to this proposal please?
can someone tell me what is likely to be the most expedient, effective & legal thing to do in opposition to this proposal please?
There will be a formal public consultation on the Supplementary Planning Document later this autumn/winter - put your objections in during that process, and help support a campaign to keep the Rec open - tell your family, friends, neighbours etc to object as well.
From Twitter today:

see I'd love to believe this, but I used to swim at Streatham pool, which when it was shut was also supposed to be replaced with an improved version. Instead there is no pool at all. I think it was mixed up in that whole Tesco/Streatham/Ice Rink disaster. So I don't have a great deal of faith.

FWIW, I think they would reopen it elsewhere, it really would be political suicide to simply close the whole centre down - but I bet prices will be higher and services more limited and one way or another we'd get screwed.
FWIW, I think they would reopen it elsewhere, it really would be political suicide to simply close the whole centre down - but I bet prices will be higher and services more limited and one way or another we'd get screwed.

and a huge perfectly functional building with tonnes of embodied energy would be ripped down mainly to hardcore rubble - would westminster do this to tate britain in pimlico?
Wondered whether many people had heard that the Council are considering pulling down the Brixton Rec. I spoke to members of the staff there and they knew nothing about it until the story appeared in the Brixton Bugle on Friday 28th September. "Residents had until Monday September 24 to comment on the plans on a shared online document and in workshops, though the council has been criticised for failing to publicise meetings adequately." Nobody I have spoken to was aware of the plans or the deadline! Here is a link for further information www.brixtonblog.com/brixton-recreation-centre-could-be-demolished-under-council-plans/7041

It was up on Urban first before Brixon Blog.

I , as people noted, posted up on the meeting I attended about SPD where it was discussed. I think I might cut and paste my post on the SPD thread to here.
I recently went to the new improved Clapham pool/leisure centre and found that I didn't feel that the facilities had been improved that much except being a bit newer and more shiny. However as a parent, I had some big complaint about the ONE family change unit:


Brixton isn't perfect but it has decent family change facilities, baby change toilets and you can put fold up buggies in a locker!

Also Brixton rec has a really cool soft play areas for small kids. It has a couple storey structure with slides and ropes and ball pools. All for £2.70. Open all week - amazing! They wouldn't replace something like that.
Exactly..... I also use Brixton over Clapham - only went there once with the family and was not impressed really. The new family changing at the Rec is actually very good - the best out in the area and we've pretty much tried them all.

And the soft play is actually even cheaper if you buy a card which lasts forever for your child (I bought ours 2 years ago now - but I think it was £3) and the soft play is just over £2 with it. It only went up from £1.60 this year. If you go to Bromley leisure centre soft plays it's over £5 and any of the gambado type places are that price also. It's also a great place to meet other mums and because of the way it's built it's less stressful than some of the enormous soft play places. Quite a lot of parents hold little informal b'day parties for their kids there with a picnic in the cafe area or small table just outside. It makes it affordable. Also it's rented out at weekends for larger parties.

Added to that the creche is good - I've been using that for the last 2 years now also, just got my 2nd child in there too. It used to be free - they charge now but it's still a good facility. When the playworkers get to know your child there they are very very welcoming. I just took my eldest back after a 4 month break after the birth of our 2nd child and they were really pleased to see her again.

As well as soft play there's a zone for older kids aged 5 up (although I've not used that yet).

Will all that stay - or will it be a "changing village" a la Clapham? With a much smaller pool, very narrow lanes etc etc. Or worse - like East Dulwich with just one pool - no separate kids/teaching pool?

Pre-kids I made some great friends from all walks of life at the squash social, enjoyed the gym/classes. It is somewhere that has been good to me throughout the various phases of my life in Brixton.

It isn't perfect but it serves its purpose well and I really can't imagine that being recreated elsewhere.
interesting site that... don't want to derail but I liked this from the Lambeth Towers link:

Drawing: Artist's impression of flat interior © George Finch


There's actually lots I like about the Rec in terms of its layout - in particular compared to the newer pools/centres that are opening up.
I went to the Future Brixton meeting on the SPDs on the 18th September.

There still is time to put comments on the Council "Draft Brixton SPD- work in progress". This document has been added to by the Council giving it more detail.

There is only until next Monday to add comments to the Google Doc.

That however is not the end of the consultation. The timetable is:

Draft SPD to be agreed by Cabinet in December
Formal Statutory consultation starts January 2013
Responses to statutory consultation considered February
Cabinet approves and adopts SPD in spring 2013

The main issues that came up at meeting:

The Rec--- The Cllr and officers present were discussing knocking down the Rec and replacing it somewhere else. This was also in the Draft SPD (see above). So the Council is seriously thinking about this. There are two issues. Whether the replacement of Rec should be stated in the finished SPD or not. And should the Rec should be kept and maintained/ refurbished.

I am very wary of agreeing to knocking down of Rec. The Council view is that it is very expensive to maintain and is not a feasible building to retain in the long term . The idea is that the land could be sold to developer and part of the agreement is that the developer builds new Rec. Bit like the Streatham Ice Rink scheme.

The Rec is large. I do not believe a replacement would be as big and have the same range of facilities. The Rec is not that old.

A point was raised at meeting that the SPD should be specific. So if the Council want to replace Rec this should be clear. If SPD is vague or gives different options it could be weakened. The SPD is a legal planning document. Developers, not for profit groups and Council will all refer to it to justify what they do in the area. If its vague, the argument went, developers will use it to wriggle out of any commitments.
The section from the other thread on the SPDs​
This seems to be the comment of one person.... :confused: I went up Friday and all the lights are working on the ramp. They could just whitewash it if they need it brighter - or do some more mural work.

I went past last weekend and looked at the lighting. Half the lights on the entrance stairs were not working. So no wonder it looked dark and uninviting. Simple maintenance can overcome some problems that people consulted complained about.
I have looked up the old Masterplan. This was agreed by Cabinet but does not have planning weight. That is what SPDs are for. . So this is change from Masterplan. Page 108 section called "Brixton Section Road" 5.1.10 says under heading "Brixton Rec":

"The Rec will be refurbished and opened up as a major community resource, incorporating retail, leisure facilities and social infrastructure. The potential to open up the frontage of the Rec is being reviewed, including the implementation of ground level access and new signage along Brixton Station Road. The Masterplan recognises further potential to review the blind eastern frontage of the building. The potential to better and more appropriately enclose the service yards, currently contained by palisaded gates and open gates and open security fencing to the northern end of the street, will also be reviewed."

You will see that the last time the Rec was under threat was when the Tory/LD ran the Council. Then the Labour Group vigorously opposed the possible demolition of "much loved Rec" as I remember a Labour Cllr saying at the time.
Dug up old minutes of meeting where Labour Council is praising itself for saving Rec after it had come back to power. See here:
from minutes 30th January 2008

"Council believes that the borough’s leisure centres are valued by the local community and are vital resource to help local people improve their health and wellbeing.

We welcome this Council’s investment in its leisure centres and in the borough’s sport development.

The Council welcomes the appointment of Greenwich Leisure Service as Lambeth’s borough leisure provider as a social enterprise company committed to employing local people.

We further welcome Greenwich’s approach to working in partnership with the Council. Greenwich is actively involved in Lambeth’s recently formed Sports Physical Activity Network Board, and it works with key local partners such as Fulham Football Club.

This Council welcomes the establishment of user forums at leisure centres across the borough to pick up on complaints.

Council notes that, contrary to the scare mongering around prices, Lambeth prices are in keeping with leisure centres across London.

Council further criticises the inaccurate statistics used by the opposition as a mismatch of membership and visitor numbers, and in some instances a comparison between months when a leisure centre was open and when shut for major repairs.

This Council welcomes the £3.6 million investment in Brixton Rec and Council congratulates all those involved in its improvements. It now offers one of the best children’s facilities in the country. It has a new and greatly improved gym for adults, an improved sports hall, and better changing facilities. The reception area has been redesigned and now offers a welcome entrance to the Rec.
These plans contrast vividly with the previous Lib Dem/Tory administration’s vision for leisure within the borough. Council notes with dismay that the previous administration was planning to:
- bulldoze Brixton Rec and replace it with a centre half the size on a disused railway siding outside the town centre"

Actually one officer at a recent meeting did mention Somerleyton road again as site for new replacement Rec. That was the site that the Tory/LD were looking.
Officers are saying at the stalls they had in market people were complaining about aspects of Rec. But I did not see the stalls the Council set up. I do not know what kind of questions were asked. Officers are good at asking leading questions when it suits them.
But officers/ Labour Cllrs are liable to say that they have consulted people and this is what they have found. That the Rec is unfriendly building not fit for purpose.
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