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*Brixton Movement for Justice March



On Friday evening people gathered outside Brixton Town Hall for a 'Movement for Justice' march in protest at the murders of 4 people by police in Brixton in the last few months; including Derek Bennett, Ricky Bishop and Joseph Crentsil. The march was also held to fight the politically motivated sacking of Lambeth Council worker Alex Owolade, Chairman of 'Movement for Justice' and campaigner in the fight against racism and police brutality.

The march moved off peacefully at 6.30 and proceeded past the scenes of the 4 killings. After speeches from the families of the murder victims, a decision was then taken by the crowd to continue to Brixton police station where the demonstration against police racism and brutality would end.

About a mile away from the police station, the still peaceful crowd were confronted in a side street by 4 riot vans full of police. The police jumped out, already tooled up in full riot gear, with batons drawn, and formed a line in front of the march. They then charged the crowd, which included children and relatives of the murder victims; who were forced to run in the opposite direction only to be pushed back by another line of police from the other side. Some initially managed to escape the second line of police and run down more side-streets, only to find themselves continually charged at by more riot police and forced to run into estates.

Some of the crowd managed to escape onto the High Street, where some were arrested and others are currently being held in a large cordon, under Section 60 of the Public Order Act.

In frustration and anger at the polices' violent and heavy-handed disruption of a legal march to protest at police brutality and murder, groups of teenagers smashed up shop fronts on the High Street.
If what steelie says is true/accurate, then this is fucking unbelieveable - have the Brixton police learned absolutely fuck all in the last twenty years? Everyone knows that it's uncool for fuzz to be heavy-handed but they've got to be mental to do it in Brixton - a place with a track record of mass trouble kicking off after police abuses of power.
I disagree...In my long experience of public order situations in brixton it is entirely to be expected that if you hold an unscheduled march on brixton nick then the cops are going to tool up and have it with you...So if you are going to do it then go for it properly and in my opinion do it up west! :)
Well done for putting this up Steelgate. Considering the heavyhanded Police tactics (if your account is accurate Steelgate, and I beleive it is) and the continued disproportiate amount of deaths of black men (either in Police custody or as a result of Police action), I'm not sure the reaction of what Mike calls "opportunistic teenagers" is so reprehensible.

Yes it's sad when local businesses suffer (couldn't care less about the chain stores), but what are people supposed to do when they feel they have no voice and there is no change?

As JWH says "Have the Police learned absolutely fuck-all in the last twenty years"?
This was happening exactly the same time some of us (includimg Derek) were in the Duke of Edinburgh for our pre-Xmas drink -- I didn't believe it at the time (I admit I thought the rumours were being exaggerated, and I saw no sign of it when I went to get the bus) but turns out to be true.

Nothing to add to JWH's and hatboy's reactions.
I've searched all the major news sites and can't find anything to back up Derek's unsubstantiated claims.

I was also in Brixton just after the events supposedly took place and didn't see any trashed shops, rampaging youths or baton wielding poicemen (although there were quite a lot of police around in vans).

Seeing as it's clear Derek wasn't actually there, perhaps he might cite his sources?

And much as I'd love to be able to jump to the conclusion that whenever gangs of youths start trashing things it's always as a justified and spontaneous reaction to police brutality and political disenfranchisement, I'm afraid I find that argument a little naive at times.

There's always gangs of yoots ready to smash stuff up, regardless of their colour, location, social status and/or political persuasion.

Sadly, many earnest and worthwhile political causes attract some of these people whose violent actions rarely do much for the objectives of the cause.

[ 28 December 2001: Message edited by: editor ]
I wasn't out and about that night Mike so maybe it didn't kick off quite as Derek said.
I hope you're not calling me naive. I don't think "whenever gangs of youths start trashing things it's always as a justified and spontaneous reaction to police brutaity and political disenfranchisement".

But I do think that it sometimes is and that it's sometimes justified.

I might add that the original Brixton riots were a reaction to "police brutaity and political disenfranchisement".
Hatboy: I'm not calling you naive (I know you far too well for that ;) ).

There has been justified reasons for rioting in Brixton in the past, but I'd be very, very, wary of jumping to the defence of each and every act of mob vandalism that occurs there.

Some may well be the youth articulating their feeings about police oppression in the only way they know how, but there's always opportunistic troublemakers out for what they can get.

You've only got to look at the long history of violent minorities attaching themselves to peaceful demos for proof of such practices and I don't see why Brixton demos should be any different...

I think we're basically agreeing anyway, although with only Derek's unattributed report to go on, I'll remain slightly sceptical about his claims!

Right enough of this serious stuff - you down the Albert tonight?!!

(edited for appalling hangover spelling)
I arrived in Brixton just as the events I have described were happening and stayed around for about half an hour before going down to the Duke of Edinburgh. These events started long before everyone got to the Duke of Edinburgh for the meet up. On my way back at 11pm there was still a police presence in Brixton town centre as crowds left the Brixton Academy, with police on the streets in riot gear and a police helicopter circling above.

If people arrived late to the Duke of Edinburgh for the meet up as most did then that must be why they missed seeing what happened.

[ 29 December 2001: Message edited by: steelgate. ]
I missed it, Derek.

I was leaving Brixton Academy after seeing The Pogues and didn't see anything like that at all. :confused:
Sorry Steelgate but your talking out your arse....

You're the sort of person who believes what you read in THE VOICE.

I dont mind you telling lies to others but please dont lie to yourself.

Welcome to the boards.

It always makes my heart glow with joy, when I see such insightful, thought out and reasoned first posts! :rolleyes:

And how kind of you to remind us that everything the Voice prints is lies!

Is it cos it is a black newspaper, maybe?

I can certainly vouch for the fact that the protest was surrounded by cops for some considerable time, and that Brixton Town Centre was awash with cops in riot helmets when I walked through it at about 11pm that night.

Perhaps you could write another insightful post explaining how the black deaths in custody were not racially motivated, and how it was just co-incidence that several black men and no white men died.

I await your second post with eager anticipation!

Is there anyone on this forum who doesn't believe all the bullshit that makes the press....?


It really makes me so angry to think that people still believe all copper are racist, We only arrest black people, You get beaten up when you get arrested and ONLY black peole die in police custody....

Off the top of my head go and do a search on Glenn Howard. A white man who died after being arrested. But it didn't make the papers because nobody is interested in white people dieing at the hands of the police.

Don't get me wrong it's tragic when someone dies but how the fuck can it be racially motivated....? Do we wait in the custody office for a non white prisoner and think yeah right, lets kill that one because of his colour....?

Remember if you live by the sword you die by the sword....
freetheXmasbillions, The Voice.... just a tad biased don't you think ?

steelgate, remind me has anyone be found guilty of their murder ? if you run around brandishing a gun why get so pissed off if you get shot ? only a complete moron uses a gun lookalike, maybe that's what "cool" gangsta's use.

Colinthecopper, welcome to the twilight zone.

What can I say. IF you want to see Colin the Cop's track record of visionary rhetoric then have a look at the forum in Brixtonline. :confused:

There goes the neighbourhood.
Colin - just to save people time: Based on your posts on the Brixtonline forum it's never been clear whether a)you are really a cop, b) you are black or white (you say you are a black cop), c) you are sincere, d) you are an intelligent man?

When I say "never been clear" I mean in the sense that you give the very strong impression of being none of those things. I hope if you stick around here you're gonna talk some sense because at least some of the people who come here have a brain.

So, seriously Colin?
Colin: thanks for that insight into the wonderful equal opportunity world of deaths in custody. In your bonkers mind, apparantly if it's not racially motivated, it's okay. Hmmm.

Moby: what's wrong with The Voice?

"has anyone be found guilty of their murder?"

yes, dear. Welcome to the issue. :rolleyes:

a) Yes
b) Black
c) Sometimes
d) Intelligent...? - Not very bright I'm afraid, I thought it was cool to mess around at school. If only I'd listened.

There goes the neighbourhood....? Dont you go out your house....? Brixton was fucked along time before I arrived. It's people with their stereotypical outdated views that's stopping it getting better...
"Brixton was fucked a long time before I arrived"

Do you really beleive that?

OK, Brixton is an inner city area with it's share of problems, and these get people talking. But, I definitely beleive that there is so much more about the area that is so positive. Remarkably and uniquely so.

Yes I do go out of my house.

To give you a chance - if we're going to communicate all I ask for is sincerity. Otherwise what's the point?
That Movement For Justice march was surrounded though and placed under a section 60 order after marching up the High Street from the Town Hall. I saw it for myself. The police response seemed way over the top for a march so small as it had less than a hundred people on it. There was no need to surround the march like that and hold everyone for ages as it was totally peacefull and could easily be controlled.

I don't believe what I read in the Voice newspaper and I hardly ever read that paper anyway.
I did tell a few people at the DofE when I arrived what had happened...but no matter.

Tis true. All true. Cept the section 60 part - they didn't declare a section 60 which has some legal standing, they said they were holding everyone to prevent a breach of the peace....? Despite nothing having happened.

As to those who say we should have been prepared for what happened and that it was to be expected - are you seriously saying that we should stop fighting against injustice and police brutality because the cops might be heavy handed? That is exactly what we were demonstrating about!

24 of us were held by at least 60 riot cops. There were far more cops in a supporting role as well. It was terrifying, and reminded me why I hate the police as much as I do.

As for those kids - let me tell you about them. They, as well as others on the march, had just witnessed one of their brothers being violently and arbitrarily arrested. The kid had his knees, elbows and neck knelt on as he was cuffed. And this was way before any window smashing had happened. A couple of us went with them to Brixton nick to at least make sure he had a lawyer, to be confronted by locked doors and a handmade "closed" sign.

We had all witnessed a peaceful, if determined rally being attacked by police in riot gear. They chased the friends, families and supporters of victims of police murder as if we were dangerous animals.

The police tried to suppress and provoke our fury in order that we fall silent and become silent, disempowered and easily governed by beating our heads against a brick wall.

Those kids screamed Fuck You in their actions. Opportunistic? Nah, that's every commentator who from the safety of a keyboard and computer monitor uses their actions to defend why they were not on the march with us. Perhaps if all of you who were reading this and give a fuck about justice were there the cops would not have been able to do what they did and the kids would not have felt so helpless and infuriated that all they could do was smash a couple of windows.

Nothing has ever been achieved by sitting quietly and placidly on the sidelines. We get only that which we fight for and wrench from authority's cold grip. Our passion is our truest weapon.

I cheered when I heard what the kids had done. Cheered that they would not be cowed. A few multinationals' windows can be replaced but a smashed and defeated soul tarnishes the world
"You cheered at what the kids had done"...?

What....? Smashed some shop windows and got themselves some new trainers....

Yeah right on. Up the revolution.

Is it true more people hate Gingers than hate the police.....?
Nice to see the usual level of prejudice from the boys (and girls) in blue.

You'll be telling me next that you don't have anything *against* gingers, but they just don't fit in round here and should go back where they came from... :rolleyes: :oops:
So where do Gingers come from then....?

It would be nice to know who to blame....
Sorry Bezzer, I was quoting Rick from the young ones.... I suppose I didn't make it clear.

I thought all the leftie pinkos would recognise it straight away as he is obiously their role model.... ;)
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