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Brixton in the Media - good and bad (archive stuff for fun)


"Red Guard"(NLYL)
CH1 has some old cuttings and media clips which might entertain/educate.
Comments and additional material very welcome
To kick off - I wrote an article for the South London Press around 1981-2. Ripped it off from the LCC survey of London really. The SLP paid £15 I believe - which I donated to The Brixton Society. What a load of Ingrates!Brixton Prison-article.jpg
"I'd love a Babycham" - "Here's some Vintage Perry, dear!"
Brixton's answer to Jean Rook - for those with a (very long) memory.
Perry10.10.97.jpgCharlie went on to higher things - now Conservative MP for Dover, and as erratic as ever.
My wedding rumours occurred after taking one of Ms Perry's minions to a meeting of South London Gays which she had expressed an interest in. Keith Hill MP was the guest speaker. Maybe she hoped for some dirt on KH?
In any event there is no such church as Brixton United Reformed Church. I WAS a member of the Unitarian Church in Effra Road at the time though. But the story was completely made up - but very funny (at least to me!)
The Brixton Baby Farmer

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The Brixton Baby Farmer
Excellent choice, Mrs Magpie. I had to look this one up, but it dates from 1870.
There is an explanation here
What goes around comes around. Hope Social Services still exist in 5 years time: this is clearly Baby Peter writ large!
I would like to point out in this connection that Patrick Wintour - the author of this article is the brother of Jim Wintour, Chief Executive of Lambeth Homes, at least whilst I co-chaired the Lambeth Homes contractor committee.
So he may have know something about what he was talking about.
It seems to me, looking at the picture that this article may pre-date the Concierge system which by all accounts "transformed" life in the Barrier Block (in a positive way). Sexy up-grade architects Greenhill Jenner have since flown their roost in Shakespeare Road and decamped to Clerkenwell. Maybe they'll be coming back again though - with all this Gentrification and Social Cleansing going on!
P.S. Check the attractive low-rise Texaco filling station. Much more "acceptable" in planning terms than the Councils illegal sub-let Car Wash with its Rap Band mega hoardings. Why can't Lambeth just get on and prosecute itself for planning violations. The enforcement notices have been served. We all know you're reading this Cllr Steve Reed - otherwise why follow us on Twitter?
Specially for Steve - one of Arndrea's finest:Perry-Fitchett.jpg
P.S. Artwork by Torren Smith - look what happened to him!!
Does this mean one could, say, train a squirrel to find drugs? I'm just asking.

Also does anyone have any squirrels for sale
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Specially for Steve - one of Arndrea's finest:View attachment 20311
P.S. Artwork by Torren Smith - look what happened to him!!
Cllr Fitchett!! He of the £3m housing scam...

When that story came out I seem to remember getting rather drunk at the Hobgoblin and standing outside Fitchett's house on Brixton Water Lane singing "Fitchett the w*anker" to the tune of "Flipper the Dolphin"... :oops:
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Cllr Fitchett!! He of the £3m housing scam...

When that story came out I seem to remember getting rather drunk at the Hobgoblin and standing outside Fitchett's house on Brixton Water Lane singing "Fitchett the w*anker" to the tune of "Flipper the Dolphin"... :oops:
Well Keith might have had too many to watch £3 million fly out the window - but that's nothing compared to HMRC illegal sweet-heart deals, not to mention JP Morgan's Bruno Isksil (the Whale) mislaying $5 billion.
Keep things in proportion dear boy.

BTW at least Fitchett was a W*****R not a P***O!

And to think in my more flamboyant days - when I turned up to a full council meeting dressed in a sexy Nigerian pyjama suit, Toren asked me "Do your party ALLOW you to dress like that?"
Once Labour, always Labour. No diversity and no imagination!!
Now your appetites have been wetted by Arndrea - here's a photo of Gay Icon LibDim Councillor Warner, having just emulated another gay icon - Mark Spitz.
The back story is this:
In a perennial battle to de-stabilise Brixton, Lambeth Council had just announced another major round of spending cuts in Autumn 1994 - in this case grants to "voluntary organisations". "In the Know" - now known as "DASL" was up for the chop.
In a fit of well-motivated panic and "we're all in this together", the trustees organised a sponsored swim at the Kings Acre school - probably turned into yuppy appartments long ago.
Your hardy "gayly iconic" councillor took to the pool with the other sponsored swimmers.
The reason the "stakeholders" are fully clothed is that the South London Press photographer was late - only arriving after the swim had been completed.
We foolishly agreed to dangle our fully clothed toes in the pool - for better effect. "No toe dangling, no picture!" the photographer said.
My thoughts today - look at the service people got out of their councillors back then. Can you imagine Donatus posing in his Long-Johns for the edification of the readers of the South London Press? Even Rachel goesn't get down and dirty like this, does she? And we got £2,000 p.a. for this plus £20 per meeting.
Our cabinet member colleagues now get £10,957 p.a. basic PLUS £2,368 - £64,824 "special responsibility allowance" depending on how high in the pecking order they are.
And they don't have to go to more than 4 full council meetings a year if they don't want to.
Co-operative MY ARSE!Kings Acre Swim.jpgP.S. I've still got that jumper!
Offensive letters.jpg Mental centre sex shock.jpg sex ring centre.jpg through a long period of mental health rehabilitation. But it's totally unacceptable".
Political correctness gone mad?
Propaganda on the rates - 1993 style (paid for by Tory central government one assumes)Callenger sep93-1.jpgchallenger-sep93-2.jpg
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