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Brixton hackspace

I love the London Hackspace at Hoxton, but it's a pain in the arse to get to/from. I'd love a workshop in South London. The LHS is almost too big, so a South London branch is very much needed. I suspect you'd get quite a lot of members "switching sides" if it takes off.
um, quoting from www.librarybazaar.com/2011/10/31/ffl-fablab/

'According to Neil Gershenfeld, the Director of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms and author of Fab: the Coming Revolution on Your Desktop-From Personal Computers to Personal Fabrication,

a fab lab is “a collection of commercially available machines and parts linked by software and processes developed for making things"'​

and they provide:

'community access to new, innovative creation technology like 3D printers".
Well, spiff's explanation was a lot better and more precise, but the 3D printing bit is what stands out IMO. Plus the whole open-source thing.
funnily enough was just talking about this (E London version) today - count me in! need to make something to make my sculptures move :D
Do they do 3D printing? Just curious, haven't really got anything in mind.
Yes, they have a makerbot, which has about a .1mm accuracy, and a commercial machine that was in a state of disrepair last I knew. The process is slow, and you can get a much better finish and materials if you make by hand. At the hobbiest scale, it's still just a toy. Laser cutting, however, is pretty rapid and can make all sorts of stuff that would be incredibly time consuming to hand cut. It's a very useful tool.
Yes, they have a makerbot, which has about a .1mm accuracy, and a commercial machine that was in a state of disrepair last I knew. The process is slow, and you can get a much better finish and materials if you make by hand. At the hobbiest scale, it's still just a toy. Laser cutting, however, is pretty rapid and can make all sorts of stuff that would be incredibly time consuming to hand cut. It's a very useful tool.

It sure is that. Can't wait for the day we can pick on up for cheap in the local hardware shop.
You can use laser cutters to make clothing / patterns I think

No reason why not. If you're using a material with synthetics in, you probably end up with a nice welded edge so no fraying!. The london hackspace one only has a 300x600mm cutting bed though - probably a bit small for clothing patterns.
This is relevant to my interests. I am free next Thursday evening and would like to Make Things. Preferably in a pub with some beer.
I might be up for that too. I'm definitely a 'getting things done rather than talking about it' kind of person so hopefully I could be a useful contributor.
I was reading about the Hoxton Hackspace the other day. Was seriously thinking about joining.

A local one would be fab.

Sounds like a big challenge though. How many founder members would we need to pay for a lease and some kit?
I was reading about the Hoxton Hackspace the other day. Was seriously thinking about joining.

A local one would be fab.

Sounds like a big challenge though. How many founder members would we need to pay for a lease and some kit?

The Hoxton one just started out with people meetup up for a few hours and making stuff. Lazers come later.
Absolutely. These things are all about the people. The space and the tools come from the people, not the other way round :)
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