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Brexit or Bremain - Urban votes


  • Brexit

  • Bremain

  • Abstain

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I'm abstaining until I learn more about how an exit will be implemented. I can imagine the Tories wining in 2020 because of it, which will give them nine years to set up an exited Britain for a generation in the best way that suits them.
I'm abstaining until I learn more about how an exit will be implemented. I can imagine the Tories wining in 2020 because of it, which will give them nine years to set up an exited Britain for a generation in the best way that suits them.
by 2020 the tories will have split over the result. not to mention i would expect announcements on the mechanics of implementation on the day after a vote to leave.
i'm voting Bremain - i'm not keen on the EU as either an institution or as a direction, i'm also cognicant of the restrictions explicit within the EU on nationalisation etc..

however, those deep reservations and active dislikes are dwarfed by my concerns over what would follow - i'm hugely concerned about the direction UK politics would go post an 'out' vote, and i'm hugely concerned about how vunerable both the EU and a not-in-the-EU UK (or what remained of it..) would be to outside blocs who previously had to deal with a that was far stronger, and far more united EU.

its possible i might change my mind, and i understand that it would be in the interests of both the rump-EU and the UK to come to some form of associate membership/partnership arrangement to mitigate against that threat, but i fear that with bent pride, hubris, and the self-defeating idiocy we've come to expect from politicians, all we'll get is squabbling while predators circle.
I'm abstaining until I learn more about how an exit will be implemented.
The people who could do this convincingly, i.e. senior civil servants and government departments, have no interest in doing so. Why would they do homework for the other side?
The people who could do this convincingly, i.e. senior civil servants and government departments, have no interest in doing so. Why would they do homework for the other side?

They did it for the Scotland referendum, as did the BoE etc. It's the duty of these institutions to plan ahead.
Tories have split already on this :thumbs: If we bremain :facepalm: Dave should sack all the Brexiters pronto, that'll learn them. If we brexit, Cameron will resign, he has painted himself into the corner on this one, he won't be able to carry on. And Brexit will mean Bojo for King :facepalm: and possibly a snap election?

I'm a Bremainer btw
They did it for the Scotland referendum, as did the BoE etc. It's the duty of these institutions to plan ahead.
Yes, they did plan for a Yes vote in the indyref, but they used their announcements to campaign (while pretending not to be campaigning) for a No vote. They'll do the same here. All the state apparatus will be working pro Remain. Even in the way they handle news of their exit contingency planning.
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