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Boomtown 2014 - new plans

The Mayor

Town Info Point!!
Folks just thought I would let you know about some of our new plans for 2014 directly through this thread...mainly our new venture, a full scale stage set that rivals the town centre and lions den in terms of size but is based around Folk and world music !!!

its an area that we have all grown up with and touched within various venues over the years but something we are truly passionate about and can't wait to get stuck into

We are also planning to bring in a whole new district with everything from Bluegrass, Cajun, Ceilidh, Hillbilly hoedown and general flatout comedy to continue the evolvement of the uptown areas!!

Be good to get peoples views as i know there are a few Urbs that make it down for the weekend and generally give us some good advice / feedback

More to follow

Thanks all
sound interesting Ed? you up for investigating further? apps for areas open in november and thats the sort of thing we jump on TBH
If you're going to make it that big an area you'd need to attract a load of world music fans I'd have thought. People will go to stuff like that to a point but they're not going to spend all that long in there if they've basically come to go raving.
sound interesting Ed? you up for investigating further? apps for areas open in november and thats the sort of thing we jump on TBH
Well, I've already got quite a few music hall-style acts I could call on, so I'd love to get involved.
If you're going to make it that big an area you'd need to attract a load of world music fans I'd have thought. People will go to stuff like that to a point but they're not going to spend all that long in there if they've basically come to go raving.

its just a compliment to the Ska, reggae and general live music influences we already have available and which after our latest surveys these genres attract over half of the festivals audience!!
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Can I suggest a old time/modern take on a music hall stage, run by the Mrs Mills Experience? Acrobats, comedy acts, magicians, dancing girls, and lots of old school singalongs. Happy to sort it all out :)
This does sound good.

If you're going to make it that big an area you'd need to attract a load of world music fans I'd have thought. People will go to stuff like that to a point but they're not going to spend all that long in there if they've basically come to go raving.

Completely agree. I don't think this area should be too massive.
Yeah, sounds a little big to have it on the scale of Town Centre and Lion's Den - I doubt one stage of it is going to attract new (folk etc lovers) to Boomtown and I can't imagine your average boomer being that fussed by it - several smaller venues might be a better way to go.
Hello I don't want to seem critical but folk and world music isn't the sort of stuff I come to boomtown for... If I wanted world music I would go to womad. :eek:

I like editors idea though and think it fits a bit more with what I think boomtown is about....

heya - it kind of depends what you personally come to boomtown for !!! a huge amount of people who attend have requested some more relaxed entertainment to the norm !!!
heya - it kind of depends what you personally come to boomtown for !!! a huge amount of people who attend have requested some more relaxed entertainment to the norm !!!

Yeah of course I'm giving my personal view... more chilled out stuff definitely has a place but there's plenty of that at boomtown already, some of the gypsy bands for example. For me, a massive world music stage is a bridge too far :)
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Blimey I'd have thought Boomtown would be the last place people would start getting precious about what new genres of music might be introduced. I love all the Balkan / ska stuff which forms the majority of the line up on the town centre stage but I'd equally lap up something which showcased more in the way of interesting global acts while I sup my cider.
Blimey I'd have thought Boomtown would be the last place people would start getting precious about what new genres of music might be introduced. I love all the Balkan / ska stuff which forms the majority of the line up on the town centre stage but I'd equally lap up something which showcased more in the way of interesting global acts while I sup my cider.

I think the comments so far have been more about the size of stage... the mayor said
that they are looking at 'a full scale stage set that rivals the town centre and lions den in terms of size but is based around Folk and world music !!!'

That to me would fundamentally change the character of boomtown... I would be arsed if it was just a few folk bands in a smaller venues, as The_Reverend_M suggested....

IMO Boomtown is worth getting precious about. It's one of the last few decent festivals left.
can see where you are coming from sort of Captain but not much boom in those genres imo
We've been collating our ideas for a venue application too.....

We were doing alright, until one of the people I was doing with totally fucked it in the conversation with the organisers last year, so I've told him to do one :D
I'd agree with the gist of this thread. A lions den size area would be too much, and a waste of space. As awesome as the Lions Den was this year, I don't come to Boomtown for the large crowd areas - I think any more would detract. The space would be better put to several smaller areas!

Appreciate you coming here for our opinions by the way mate.
yeah, none of that would really grab me. But i guess it would be nice for 2pm on the sunday or something, and it's not as if there isn't already a shit ton of genres.
I think you should have some kind of bongo forest, that seemed to be *really* popular this year :D *still laughing about it*
I liked the steep stairs escape the trance area asap "boot camp", it did wonders for my fitness.
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