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BNP Threatened with Winding-Up Order


The wheels on the bus go round and round....
From: bnpideas.com/?p=1979 - Andrew Brons site:

The British National Party faces an urgent winding up order should Nick Griffin and Simon Darby fail to lodge £45,000 with the appeal court within 14 days.

An urgent application heard this week in the Court of Appeal before Lord Justice Rix, brought by Messrs Griffin and Darby against the order of execution which led to the seizure of a vehicle last week.

The court ruled that the BNP leader must deposit the full amount under question (£45,000) within 14 days.

The court ordered that the £20,000 previously lodged by Mr Darby with the “solicitor’s” firm Charles Henry and Co be paid into the court within three days.

The outstanding balance of £25,000 must be paid into the court within 14 days, the court order continued.

Only once this was complete, would the court consider granting Mr Griffin leave to appeal. It is important to note that this relates only to leave to appeal, and not the appeal itself. What the court’s decision means is that it seeks from Mr Griffin an assurance that if it does grant an appeal, and such appeal fails, that the money will be available to pay the creditors.

Failure to produce the £45,000 will, BNP Ideas has been reliably informed, result in an immediate application to wind up the party, amongst other steps.

This would result in the party being placed into administration. No-one would be allowed to operate in its name or use any of its assets under those circumstances, and it would effectively cease to exist as a functioning organisation.

The registered officers of the party (those whose names appear on the Electoral Commission’s register—the chairman, Mr Griffin, and the national nominating officer and treasurer—both the latter offices held by Clive Jefferson) and Mr Darby would then face proceedings on personal property and possessions to meet outstanding debts.

This is an extremely serious predicament, especially for party manager Adam Walker, who has been given only a short time to come up with a further £21,000 for a court judgement against himself in favour of an ex-party employee, Mark Collett.

Rumours have already been circulating to the effect that Mr Walker and non-party controller Pat Harrington have demanded that any spare cash be turned over to pay off the £21,000 debt.

Today’s development makes it unlikely that this amount will now be paid from party funds, as even if it had the money spare (which it does not), the “more urgent” debt incurred by the latest court action will take precedence. Mr Walker has therefore, good reason to be concerned.

The “£45,000 case” is but the first of a number of actions which Mr Griffin and the BNP face in the coming weeks and months. Further orders include an additional action for £25,000 plus costs in favour of Michaela Mackenzie; £67,000 in favour of Royal Mail; at least £120,000 for additional court costs related to the “£45,000 case”; amongst numerous others.

The shocking state of affairs — which could well bring about the end of the BNP as a political party should Mr Griffin not produce the £45,000 to lodge with the court—has been caused exclusively by the leadership’s incompetence and nothing else.

This follows on from the Bailiffs taking the Griffin's car last weekend, as discussed on this thread - Bailiffs 1 Nick Griffin 0

I can't help but snigger as the net closes on Griffin's former money making machine, I just wonder how much he has hidden away.
Blimey, so the 'post a brick to the BNPs freepost address' was a resounding success then.


Actually from what I can make out of the Royal Mail documents this is in respect of outgoing post to party members and supporters, it's in relation to a 'bulk mailing contract'.

According to BNP Ideas, HM Revenue & Customs are after them for several thousands of outstanding taxes too. :cool:
Oooh, double warm glow. She won't get her money I suspect.


The claim is brought by Kenny and Nichola Smith, so i suspect it's related to their 'unfair dismissal' claim. The BNP may win the appeal, if they're granted one. Beware that this is from Brons.
while it may bring about the end of the british national party, i don't doubt that the personnel involved will carry on within british nationalist circles. the major problem they may face is that if the bnp name is unavailable they have effectively to start from scratch to raise any new party's name to the levels achieved over many years by john tyndall and nick griffin.
a year or even six months ago that might not have been a problem but the concern within radical right circles about griffin's stewardship of the party might see fewer people willing to chuck more money down the bottomless bnp pit
Always a few chinless wonders who haven't been keeping abreast of things who can be leaned on i reckon.

Wider question is, how much of a fight is Griffin willing to put up to get all this cleared and attempt to put things back on track. He's been looking increasingly not bothered recently.
The claim is brought by Kenny and Nichola Smith, so i suspect it's related to their 'unfair dismissal' claim. The BNP may win the appeal, if they're granted one. Beware that this is from Brons.

He's included images of the court order in the article, see [broken] link in the OP.
Always a few chinless wonders who haven't been keeping abreast of things who can be leaned on i reckon.

Wider question is, how much of a fight is Griffin willing to put up to get all this cleared and attempt to put things back on track. He's been looking increasingly not bothered recently.
i wonder if he's tempted to do a mosley and chip to france to spend more time with his fn mates. he's buggered up the bnp, whether by cock-up or conspiracy, and i think it's past the tipping point before which the party was retrievable. it's going down the drain, whether through mckenzie's payout or one of the later ones. i think the bnp's financial problems are now so large and so well publicised that griffin would struggle to raise £45,000 let alone all the other debts owing. even if they can get £45k it's a drop in the ocean compared to the total owed.
Always a few chinless wonders who haven't been keeping abreast of things who can be leaned on i reckon.

Wider question is, how much of a fight is Griffin willing to put up to get all this cleared and attempt to put things back on track. He's been looking increasingly not bothered recently.

With all the different cases mounting up, at least £250,000+ so far, and with the party falling to bits as more & more of the main players move on, and therefore income drying-up, despite the endless begging e-mails & mail-shots going out, I can't help thinking he realises the game is up.
He's included images of the court order in the article, see [broken] link in the OP.
I know, that's how i know who the claim is from. I wasn't suggesting that he's making it up, but that he's putting the worst possible spin on it, including 'rumours', running together different cases to make them all sound as if they're at the same level of potential severity as this one and so on.
i wonder if he's tempted to do a mosley and chip to france to spend more time with his fn mates. he's buggered up the bnp, whether by cock-up or conspiracy, and i think it's past the tipping point before which the party was retrievable. it's going down the drain, whether through mckenzie's payout or one of the later ones. i think the bnp's financial problems are now so large and so well publicised that griffin would struggle to raise £45,000 let alone all the other debts owing. even if they can get £45k it's a drop in the ocean compared to the total owed.

Failure to come up with the money is a possibility i agree, but we both know that there is real serious money swirling around the far right. It's most likely a case of them either being able to make a serious case to those who control that money or not.
Failure to come up with the money is a possibility i agree, but we both know that there is real serious money swirling around the far right. It's most likely a case of them either being able to make a serious case to those who control that money or not.

I think Griffin would struggle to do that, after all the dodgy things he got up to during the recent leadership vote and still only won by, IIRC, 9 votes - and the impression I get is he won with votes from fairly inactive members, whereas the majority of the activists were backing Brons.

If Griffin stands down, Brons lot may pull off a rescue package, but they may also decide the amounts involved are too much and the BNP is just not worth rescuing, better to re-launch under a similar sounding name.

Who knows at the end of the day, none of them seem to have a clue of just how bad things are or how it will play out, so we have no hope.

Still, watching it all unfolds is a bloody good spectator sport. :D
while it may bring about the end of the british national party, i don't doubt that the personnel involved will carry on within british nationalist circles. the major problem they may face is that if the bnp name is unavailable they have effectively to start from scratch to raise any new party's name to the levels achieved over many years by john tyndall and nick griffin.
British Freedom party is waiting in the wings and has been for some time.
Our Mal has written about their fluffy fascism: http://malatesta32.wordpress.com/2010/10/17/the-british-freedom-party-fluffy-fascism/
Just to be clear, i meant money coming in from outside of the BNP.

Yeah, I understand that, but who would put money in whilst Griffin is still in charge, in view of the fact that it's him that has basically bankrupted the party and split it into so may different fractions, with no chance in hell of him re-uniting the party?
Failure to come up with the money is a possibility i agree, but we both know that there is real serious money swirling around the far right. It's most likely a case of them either being able to make a serious case to those who control that money or not.
i don't think they can. the electoral path no longer looks so attractive after their dire performance last year. they've been in grave internal difficulties - let alone financial ones - for several years, difficulties which were partially masked by the electoral success which now seems to have evaporated. the debts which the bnp face could largely have been avoided. neither on an organisational level nor a financial one can a serious and persuasive case be made for investment in the bnp, the only card griffin might successfully play being an emotional one.

however, even if the bnp manage to raise £45,000, even if they manage to pay off their creditors, a bnp led by nick griffin is going to run into financial difficulty in the future. it's been years since they submitted accounts satisfactorily. there's a track record of financial blemishes over griffin and the bnp. they may survive this crisis thanks to people's generosity. but what about the next? or the one after that? or the one after that? at some point potential donors are going to dry up.
Yeah, I understand that, but who would put money in whilst Griffin is still in charge, in view of the fact that it's him that has basically bankrupted the party and split it into so may different fractions, with no chance in hell of him re-uniting the party?
The global far right is full of nutty millionaires who can and have been easily manipulated.
British Freedom party is waiting in the wings and has been for some time.
Our Mal has written about their fluffy fascism: http://malatesta32.wordpress.com/2010/10/17/the-british-freedom-party-fluffy-fascism/
You don't just step into the BNP shoes. It would take a sort of conspiracy mindset that doesn't appreciate the social reasons for the success of the BNP over the last 10 or so years to imagine that they could. They don't have the networks, the experience, the quality etc to be anything other than an external BNP group of moaners.
British Freedom party is waiting in the wings and has been for some time.
Our Mal has written about their fluffy fascism: http://malatesta32.wordpress.com/2010/10/17/the-british-freedom-party-fluffy-fascism/
and there's paul golding's britain first. but they all face a great problem of recognition and they seem to have taken a decision to follow in the griffinite bnp path rather than the tyndallite bnp path. that is, they are chasing popular acclaim through the ballot box which may be rather less forthcoming than they desire.
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