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BBC promoting climate skeptic talking point ...

Bernie Gunther

Fundamentalist Druid
But what about another possibility - that the calculations are wrong?

What if the climate models - which are the very basis for all discussions of what to do about global warming - exaggerate the sensitivity of the climate to rising carbon dioxide?


Where's he getting that story from though?

With Britain's heatwave reaching a peak, there could be no better moment to talk about why global warming has slowed to a standstill.

It reminds me of reporting on a drought a few years ago: while filming interviews with people about the impact, the heavens opened and rainwater was soon flowing down my neck.

So as journalists were invited to the Science Media Centre in London to hear how the worldwide rise in temperatures has stalled, the mercury shot up as if on cue to record the hottest day of the year so far.

In many ways, this event was long overdue: climate sceptics have for years pointed out that the world is not warming as rapidly as once forecast.
my bold


What the fuck is the BBC's so-called "science editor" doing uncritically promoting toxic PR disinformation shite emitted by LM?

The Science Media Centre is a PR front group for distributing science disinformation on behalf of industrial clients. Part of the same "Spiked!" network of liars for hire that brought us the 'Great Global Warming Swindle'

That's just completely fucking unacceptable in a BBC science editor. He might as well be taking his stories from the Heartland Institute or directly from Exxon's PR dept.


I'm sorry, I know it's now uncontroversial to see the BBC as neo-liberal stooges but over the decades they've been so good on science.

To see them sucking corporate cock on such an important issue, to see their so-called 'science editor' uncritically repeating PR shite from the LM whores is a fucking tragedy.
Worth pulling out alone from the 'why the BBC is shit' theme, as that's truly egregious. Good spot.
That's just completely fucking unacceptable in a BBC science editor. He might as well be taking his stories from the Heartland Institute or directly from Exxon.

Andrew Neil had an interview with Ed Davey on his Sunday Politics Show this weekend. Dana from Skeptical Science posted a blog rebutting his guff in the Guardian. Neils response revealed his sources.

Sit down.

We stuck to the advice of Professor Judith Curry,

Prof Richard Tol,

Dr Roy Spencer,

No consensus
The recent standstill in global temperatures is a puzzle. Experts do not know why it is occurring or how long it will last.
Climate scientists have proffered a variety of possible explanations. But there is no consensus.

So the chairman of the Spectator is getting his advice from the GWPF and co for his political analysis of the governments anaemic response to our energy crunch.
He has been a voluble exponent of a controversial "missing heat" theory that somehow the extra energy from global warming has started to bypass the atmosphere (hence the stalling in surface temperatures) and is storing up in the deep ocean; so perhaps he does accept the plateau
3% of the energy accumulated in the earth is being accumulated by the atmosphere. By mass it is a tiny part of the earth. The biggest part of the energy accumulation is the oceans (c.93%) as they have a far far larger capacity for absorbing energy. Neils statement that it is 'somehow bypassing' the atmosphere is almost unrecognisable as science. We can see the so called "missing heat" in the thermal expansion of the ocean.

With regard to the OP ferrelhadley what's your take on the scientific basis or otherwise for the BBC's PR front group sourced claim that "climate change is slowing down" ?
Blatant fraud will always get the headlines, but David Miller, researcher at the Stirling Media Research Institute, believes that the more insidious, harder to detect, abuses are proving just as damaging to the image and quality of research. "All academics are supposed to declare their corporate and professional interests before commenting on any piece of work," he says. "However, the system is next to impossible to police, and it is hard to know whether the feedback you are getting is based entirely on the work itself. Large numbers of scientists are working for organisations that claim to be independent, yet are little more than front groups for the fast food or pharmaceutical industries.

"The Science Media Centre (SMC) is also not as independent as it appears. It was set up to provide accurate, independent scientific information for the media but its views are largely in line with government scientific policy. The SMC made much of its charitable status, yet its charity number is the same as that for the Royal Institution (RI); in other words, it is almost synonymous with the RI. Similarly, its independence was supposed to be guaranteed by the fact that no more than 5% of its funding comes from any one source; yet 70% of its funding comes from business, which could be said to have similar interests. The SMC has since had the ac.uk removed from its email address after complaints that only academic institutions that were not corporately funded were entitled to this were upheld."
Here's a blast from the past in which shows how a PR campaign with heavily slanted press briefings can produce completely distorted representations of the statements of real scientists. LM PR scum again at least circumstantially implicated via the RI (see laptop's posts)


The plot twist (link to what the eminent scientist actually said) occurs here:


... and the reason I feel it necessary to mention all that is that I found what I'm pretty sure was the event in question and it does appear to contain real scientists.


So I'd be *really* interested in finding out what was actually said by them, rather than the dodgy LM spin that the BBC's so-called science editor seems to be pushing.
With regard to the OP ferrelhadley what's your take on the scientific basis or otherwise for the BBC's PR front group sourced claim that "climate change is slowing down" ?

Atmospheric warming has. But that is not all of global warming or climate change. They start measuring at the top of one of the strongest el Ninos ever and end measuring at the end of a run of strongish la Ninas, this will tend to depress the atmospheric temperature.


Nielsen-Gammon of Texas A&M created this analysis of the ENSO set against the temperature.


The graphic is posted earlier shows the increase in thermal expansion of the ocean from heat accumulation below 700m since about 2000. The dots all join up for a big chunk in the 'slow down' of atmospheric warming to be largely an artifact of short term internal variability. Strip out the cooling of the Pacific by the strong Walker Circulation of a la Nina pulling up the deep cold Humboldt Current and more heat being buried in the deeper oceans and you have a pretty consistent picture of energy accumulation in the ocean\atmosphere system.
More about the BBC's policy of giving credence to industry-funded PR disinformation about climate science (mentions that Andrew Neil interview as an example)

In his evidence to the House of Commons select committee on science and technology on 17 July, David Jordan, director of editorial policy and standards at the BBC and a graduate of economics and politics from the University of Bristol, told MPs: "[Professor Jones] also made one recommendation which we didn’t take on board which is that we should regard climate science as settled in effect, and therefore that we shouldn’t hear from dissenting voices on the science of climate change and we didn’t agree with that because we think the BBC’s role is to reflect all views and opinions in society and we’ve continued to do that."

This is the result of erroneously believing that climate change is just a political issue, and based on a matter of opinion. But the laws of atmospheric physics are not a "point of view", and this wrong-headed approach by the BBC means it is sacrificing accuracy by being impartial between facts and fictions.

There are two consequences of this decision by the BBC to ignore the advice of Professor Jones. The first is that over-representation of the opinions of climate change 'sceptics', the overwhelming majority of whom are not scientists, misleads a large part of the public into believing that there is no scientific consensus about the causes and consequences of climate change. In fact, more than 99 per cent of scientific papers on climate change and all of the world’s major scientific organisations, agree that the Earth is warming and that greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are primarily responsible. Yet, a recent opinion poll found that only 56 per cent of the UK public accept that "most scientists agree that humans are causing climate change".

The second impact is that the BBC is disseminating inaccurate and misleading information about climate change because it allows 'sceptics' to make erroneous statements unchallenged, and some of its own staff even promote falsehoods themselves.

A clear example of this occurred on The Sunday Politics show on 14 July. The programme is hosted by Andrew Neil (a graduate in politics and economics from the University of Glasgow) and frequently includes misrepresentations of the science of climate change.

On this particular occasion, Neil spent a whole interview quizzing the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, Ed Davey, about recent trends in annual global average temperature. Among the many tactics adopted by Neil was to misrepresent the views of climate scientists. He falsely claimed that Professor Hans von Storch, when discussing the recent slowdown in the rise of global surface temperature in an interview with a German newspaper, indicated that "if there is a 20 year plateau, then we’ll need to have a fundamental re-examination of climate change policy, not to abandon it, but to wonder whether we should be doing it so quickly and in the way we’re doing it". In fact, Professor von Storch did not make any such statement.

Neil also made a number of false assertions, such as "the Arctic ice melt did not happen other than normally this year", when in fact the area of sea ice last summer was the lowest on record and 49 per cent below the average for the period between 1979 and 2000.

In addition, Neil misrepresented the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, referring to "a quick and large rise in temperatures that the IPCC is predicting, their central forecast was 3% for this century". In fact, the most recent IPCC report, published in 2007, presented six scenarios, none of which indicated that temperature would rise by 3% by 2100.
BBC 'science' reporters at it again, this time ingenuously promoting a document written by an 'independent climate researcher' and published by Nigel Lawson's PR front group GWPF as an alternative scientific viewpoint on climate sensitivity, to be compared to the IPCC AR5 report.

Imagine my surprise then, on reading this new report from the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF).

Here was one of the world's foremost bastions of contrariness when it comes to man-made climate change, admitting that temperatures were actually rising in response to human emissions of greenhouse gases.

And according to the study, the 2C threshold of dangerous warming would be crossed later on this century.

"On the highest emission scenario, our projection is 2.9C over pre-industrial," said Nic Lewis, one of the authors, pointing out that Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projects a considerably higher figure.

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... and again, promoting a story of 'dissent among scientists' ahead of tomorrow's release of the IPCC working group 2 report based on a flounce by Prof Richard Tol.

But some researchers are decidedly unhappy with the draft report.

Prof Richard Tol is an economist at the University of Sussex, who has been the convening lead author of the chapter on economics.

He was involved in drafting the summary but has now asked for his name to be removed from the document.

For a start, Tol isn't a scientist, he's an economist, big difference. Which means the headline of the piece is deliberately misleading, designed to imply dissent about the science when there is none (that's worth taking seriously)

Tol is a sort of mini-me of Bjorn Lomborg, affiliated with Nigel Lawson's PR front group mentioned above. http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Richard_Tol

Like Lomborg he's not generally arguing with the science, but rather making an economic case against acting on the science, with indifferent success, see e.g. ...



He was also involved with a notoriously irresponsible neo-liberal think tank based in Ireland (corrected to put this in past tense, he apparently flounced from there too)

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Might as well get David Icke to provide an opposing viewpoint on Sky at Night.
“The Today programme and other BBC News teams continue to make mistakes in their coverage of climate science by giving opinions and scientific fact the same weight,” he said.

“Some editors appear to be particularly poor at determining the level of scientific expertise of contributors in debates, for instance, putting up lobbyists against top scientists as though their arguments on the science carry equal weight,” Mr Miller added.

Mr Miller highlights a World at One report in September of a landmark UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) research project which found concluded with 95 per cent certainty that the climate is changing and that human activity is the main cause.

The programme’s producers tried more than a dozen qualified UK scientists to give an opposing view but could not find one willing to do so – so they went to Mr Carter in Australia.

Pitted against Energy Secretary Ed Davey, Mr Carter described the findings of the most authoritative report ever undertaken into the science of climate change – put together by hundreds of scientists around the world – as “hocus-pocus science”.

The parliamentary committee report cites Professor Steve Jones, who conducted a review into impartiality in 2011 and was called as a witness for this report. He criticised the World at One report for giving “equal time to a well-known expert and to an Australian retired geologist with no background in the field: in my view a classic case of ‘false balance’.” Professor Jones’ review concluded with regard to science coverage: “in general, its output is of high quality”.“The climate has always changed and it always will – there is nothing unusual about the modern magnitudes or rates of change of temperature, of ice volume, of sea level or of extreme weather events,” Mr Carter added.

Mr Carter was speaking on behalf of the nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change, a group backed by the Heartland Institute, a free market think tank that opposes urgent action on climate change.
Some editors appear to be particularly poor at determining the level of scientific expertise of contributors in debates, for instance, putting up lobbyists against top scientists as though their arguments on the science carry equal weight
Watch thou for the fuckwit.
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