I'm listening to the interview now.
He recons he heard three explosions, which is nice. One big one below him, then a little one as the hundreds of tons of plane hit the building, then a little earthquake like one.
We've already covered this jazzz. Nothing new here so far. All can be explained by shockwave propigation and the way explosions would have been funneled by the lift shafts.
Yep, there we go, 7:40 in and it's an "accelerator" to bring the buildings down. Explosives that strip skin off (yeah, not HE) and burns (again, not HE) and didn't do anything of course (the towers started falling from the middle, not the bottom). By 10:00 in i'm still waiting for something new that hasn't been ripped to bits.
Woo hoo! First accusation of government conspiracy @ 10:30!
Apparently he was also going to run for office at some stage, nice for him. 11:00
Yeah, media is controlled @ 14:30.
Fucks sakes, the same crap about building 7, jet fuel and apparently the hijackers were handled by the CIA.
Possibly because the director of NORAD (
) never talked to him (17:40).
Nothing, i say again, nothing new after the first 11 minutes. Even then it's just his claims of three explosions, a vauge mention of a smell (gee let's see, kerosene smells, gunpowder smells, blackpowder smells and while HE does smell it's only before it goes boom boom) and a claim that the republicans wanted him to run for office as a bribe to shut him up.